
Group maintainers:
bkabrda, churchyard, cstratak, ignatenkobrain, Ishcherb, ksurma, lbalhar, mcyprian, mstuchli, pviktori, rkuska, thrnciar, torsava
Tracked packages from 1 to 100 from total 2470
Name Fedora Rawhide Fedora 40 Fedora 39 Fedora 38 EPEL 9 NEXT EPEL 9 EPEL 8 EPEL 7 Running Package groups
python-zope-configuration python
bodhi python
python-terminado python
python-ruamel-yaml python
pywebkitgtk python
collectd perl-sig python
python-pygraphviz python swig
avogadro2 biology medical-sig python
fedrepo-req python
freecad python swig
koschei python
mathgl python swig
mirrorbrain python
pyexiv2 python
pypy python
python34 python
python-assimulo python
python-astropy python
python-cherrypy2 python
python-dirq python
python-django-model-utils python
python-jenkins-job-builder python
python-sphinxcontrib-programoutput python
python-webassets python
python-whitenoise python
rpkg-client python
rpmdeplint python
subunit perl-sig python
v8 python
flann python
OpenColorIO python
python-eventlet python
python-sh python
vtk python scitech_sig
certbot python
gdal python swig
gdl python scitech_sig
libprelude perl-sig python swig
netcdf4-python python scitech_sig
pyflakes python
python-cairocffi python
python-extras python
python-flexmock python
python-nose2 python
python-pandas neuro-sig python
root perl-users python r-maint-sig
assimp python
bdii python
blosc python
borgbackup python
clearsilver perl-sig python
csdiff python
csmock python
debconf perl-sig python
fail2ban python
gaupol python
geos python
git-cola python
globus-net-manager python
grass python
httpie python
ipython python
kobo python
lhapdf python
mlt python swig
mpi4py python
munin perl-sig python
nordugrid-arc perl-sig python swig
nordugrid-arc-nagios-plugins python
openbabel perl-sig python scitech_sig swig
otf2 python
paraview python scitech_sig
perl-Inline-Python perl-sig python
plplot python scitech_sig swig
pyelftools python
pyshp python
python-anyjson python
python-apipkg python
python-appdirs python
python-asciitree python
python-bcrypt python
python-billiard python
python-blessings python
python-certifi python
python-colorama python
python-colorlog python
python-cornice python
python-ddt python
python-defusedxml python
python-distlib python
python-django-tastypie python
python-docopt python
python-docx python
python-fasteners python
python-filelock python
python-fixtures python
python-flake8 python
python-flask-migrate python
python-flit python
python-flufl-lock python
Tracked packages from 1 to 100 from total 2470