
Group maintainers:
bkabrda, churchyard, cstratak, ignatenkobrain, Ishcherb, ksurma, lbalhar, mcyprian, mstuchli, pviktori, rkuska, thrnciar, torsava
Tracked packages from 1 to 100 from total 2470
Name Fedora Rawhide Fedora 40 Fedora 39 Fedora 38 EPEL 9 NEXT EPEL 9 EPEL 8 EPEL 7 Running Package groups
libreoffice python
awscli python
cura python
python-uranium python
python-astropy python
datanommer-commands python
future python
libftdi python swig
pyflakes python
python-datanommer-models python
python-eventlet python
python-pandas neuro-sig python
python-pint python
python-pypandoc python
python-tables python
qgis python
terminator python
bcc python
dee python
diffoscope python
dlrn python
openvdb python
pipenv python
pygobject3 python
pytest python
python-APScheduler python
python-btchip python
python-cryptography python
python-dbfread python
python-django-extensions python
python-dockerfile-parse python
python-emcee python
python-fiat python
python-grako python
python-iniparse python
python-jep java python
python-lxml python
python-mapnik python
python-mne neuro-sig python
python-notario python
python-openstacksdk python
python-oslo-log python
python-pyquery python
python-pysaml2 python
python-pytest-mock python
python-renderspec python
python-scikit-learn python
python-sphinx python
python-tambo python
python-theano python
python-twisted python
python-ufo2ft python
python-uvloop python
python-websockets python
python-yarl python
python-ZEO python
rebase-helper python
telepathy-gabble python
vfrnav python
python-terminado python
python-zope-configuration python
python-ruamel-yaml python
avogadro2 biology medical-sig python
collectd perl-sig python
freecad python swig
mathgl python swig
pypy python
python-dirq python
python-jenkins-job-builder python
python-pygraphviz python swig
python-sphinxcontrib-programoutput python
python-whitenoise python
rpmdeplint python
subunit perl-sig python
2ping python
abcde python
abrt-server-info-page python
acme-tiny python
airinv python
airrac python
airtsp python
ansible-lint python
assimp python
autowrap python
avogadro2-libs python
babeltrace python swig
bdii python
beaker python
blender python
blosc python
borgbackup python
bpython python
certbot python
chromium python
cinch python
cjdns python
clearsilver perl-sig python
configsnap python
copr-dist-git python
cryptlib perl-sig python
Tracked packages from 1 to 100 from total 2470