
Group maintainers:
bkabrda, churchyard, cstratak, ignatenkobrain, Ishcherb, ksurma, lbalhar, mcyprian, mstuchli, pviktori, rkuska, thrnciar, torsava
Tracked packages from 1 to 100 from total 2470
Name Fedora Rawhide Fedora 40 Fedora 39 Fedora 38 EPEL 9 NEXT EPEL 9 EPEL 8 EPEL 7 Running Package groups
python-qpid python
m2crypto python swig
notmuch perl-users python
python-matplotlib python
python-dotenv python
python-fiona python
python-twisted python
cloud-utils python
pyproject-rpm-macros python
python3-pytest-asyncio python
python-aiohttp python
python-altgraph python
python-astral python
python-charset-normalizer python
python-cherrypy python
python-click-plugins python
python-cligj python
python-dropbox python
python-editorconfig python
python-jira python
python-kgb python
python-m2r python
python-memcached python
python-mmtf python scitech_sig
python-more-itertools python
python-nmap python
python-peewee python
python-pep8-naming python
python-pynacl python
python-pytest-multihost python
python-pytest-sourceorder python
python-Rtree neuro-sig python
python-selenium python
python-sortedcontainers python
python-sphinx-testing python
python-tornado python
python-urlgrabber python
python-utils python
python-websocket-client python
retrace-server python
openvdb python
nwchem python
python-scikit-build-core python
system-config-printer python
accerciser python
afflib python
aws python
awscli python
bcc python
capstone python
caribou python
ceph go-sig python
clang perl-users python
condor perl-users python
COPASI biology medical-sig neuro-sig python swig
copr-frontend python
csound python swig
cura python
dee python
diffoscope python
dlrn python
erlang-rpm-macros python
fontforge python
gimp python
gnofract4d python
gnome-abrt python
gnome-builder python
gnumeric perl-sig python
ibus-table python
ibus-typing-booster python
insight python
isrcsubmit python
libcomps python rpm-software-management
libreoffice python
link-grammar python swig
lldb python swig
Mayavi python
muse python
netgen-mesher python
nfoview python
numpy python
openlierox python
openscap python swig
openvswitch python
pipenv python
protobuf python
pungi python
pygobject3 python
pygrib python
pygsl python swig
pyliblo python
pyosmium python
PyQt4 python
py-radix python
pytest python
python2.7 python
python3.10 python
python3.6 python
python-agate python
python-anymarkup-core python
Tracked packages from 1 to 100 from total 2470