
Group maintainers:
bkabrda, churchyard, cstratak, ignatenkobrain, Ishcherb, ksurma, lbalhar, mcyprian, mstuchli, pviktori, rkuska, thrnciar, torsava
Tracked packages from 1 to 100 from total 2470
Name Fedora Rawhide Fedora 40 Fedora 39 Fedora 38 EPEL 9 NEXT EPEL 9 EPEL 8 EPEL 7 Running Package groups
gnumeric perl-sig python
accerciser python
COPASI biology medical-sig neuro-sig python swig
gnome-abrt python
mozo python
nfoview python
numpy python
pluma python
python-astroscrappy python
python-caja python
python-gstreamer1 python
python-setuptools python
sugar-toolkit-gtk3 python
future python
python-APScheduler python
python-pandas neuro-sig python
python-sphinx python
python-ufo2ft python
afflib python
ceph go-sig python
condor perl-users python
csound python swig
fontforge python
gdl python scitech_sig
genders perl-sig python
isrcsubmit python
libprelude perl-sig python swig
libpreludedb python swig
m2crypto python swig
muse python
netcdf4-python python scitech_sig
openvswitch python
preprocess python
protobuf python
pungi python
pygrib python
pygsl python swig
pyliblo python
pyproj python
PyQt4 python
py-radix python
python3.10 python
python-agate python
python-anymarkup-core python
python-cliff python
python-csvkit python
python-cytoolz python
python-django python
python-djvulibre python
python-extras python
python-fiona python
python-flask-httpauth python
python-gensim python
python-gerritlib python
python-glue python
python-hl7 python
python-hypothesis python
python-ipyparallel python
python-jnius java python
python-ldap python
python-mechanize python
python-nbsphinx python
python-orderedset python
python-oslo-utils python
python-qrcode python
python-responses python
python-scikit-image python
python-scss python
python-setuptools_scm_git_archive python
python-smartcols python
python-streamlink python
python-vitrageclient python
python-ZConfig python
quodlibet python
rss2email python
tiled python
varnish python
ibus-table python
openlierox python
wiki2beamer python
libreoffice python
cura python
python-uranium python
bcc python
dee python
diffoscope python
libftdi python swig
openvdb python
pyflakes python
pygobject3 python
pytest python
python-astropy python
python-btchip python
python-cryptography python
python-dbfread python
python-django-extensions python
python-dockerfile-parse python
python-emcee python
python-eventlet python
python-fiat python
Tracked packages from 1 to 100 from total 2470