Affected packages

Packages affected by npth upgrade from 1.6-18.fc40 to 1.7-1.fc41 (in Fedora Rawhide)
Package Current state Build Distance Build time
p11-kit build 2 4 months ago
libssh build 2 4 months ago
conserver build 2 4 months ago
perl-CPAN-Checksums build 2 4 months ago
pcre build 2 4 months ago
lbdb build 2 4 months ago
fio build 2 4 months ago
libssh2 build 2 4 months ago
mako build 2 4 months ago
mlir build 2 4 months ago
xmessage build 2 4 months ago
xfontsel build 2 4 months ago
oclock build 2 4 months ago
python-oslo-utils build 2 4 months ago
python-oslo-metrics build 2 4 months ago
fedmsg build 2 4 months ago
libuv build 2 4 months ago
apache-commons-vfs build 2 4 months ago
hxtools build 2 4 months ago
python-ffc build 2 4 months ago
obs-service-tar_scm build 2 4 months ago
dd_rescue build 2 4 months ago
munin build 2 4 months ago
fuse-encfs build 2 4 months ago
bash build 2 4 months ago
libidn2 build 2 4 months ago
xfsdump build 2 4 months ago
libtasn1 build 2 4 months ago
cpio build 2 4 months ago
conntrack-tools build 2 4 months ago
borgbackup build 2 4 months ago
csdiff build 2 4 months ago
lttng-ust build 2 4 months ago
python-sushy build 2 4 months ago
python-swiftclient build 2 4 months ago
python-zaqarclient build 2 4 months ago
xlogo build 2 4 months ago
libxcrypt build 2 4 months ago
python-keystoneauth1 build 2 4 months ago
openvpn build 2 4 months ago
fish build 2 4 months ago
maven-reporting-impl build 2 4 months ago
python3.13 build 2 4 months ago
perl-Test-Assert build 2 4 months ago
python-saharaclient build 2 4 months ago
python-ironicclient build 2 4 months ago
python-git-revise build 2 4 months ago
libptytty build 2 4 months ago
maven-doxia-sitetools build 2 4 months ago
recutils build 2 4 months ago
python-oslo-i18n build 2 4 months ago
python-aodhclient build 2 4 months ago
python-cinderclient build 2 4 months ago
python-oslo-log build 2 4 months ago
python-hacking build 2 4 months ago
python-osc-lib build 2 4 months ago
python-glanceclient build 2 4 months ago
python-designateclient build 2 4 months ago
gpgme build 2 4 months ago
python-oslo-service build 2 4 months ago
logrotate build 2 4 months ago
python-dijitso build 2 4 months ago
libmodulemd build 2 4 months ago
apache-commons-jexl build 2 4 months ago
python-oslo-serialization build 2 4 months ago
python-oslo-concurrency build 2 4 months ago
babeltrace2 build 2 4 months ago
apache-commons-configuration build 2 4 months ago
fedora-repos build 2 4 months ago
babeltrace build 2 4 months ago
msmtp build 2 4 months ago
python-oslo-config build 2 4 months ago
python-oslo-middleware build 2 4 months ago
xdriinfo build 2 4 months ago
libpaper build 2 4 months ago
mooltipass-udev build 2 4 months ago
openresolv build 2 4 months ago
autoconf-archive build 2 4 months ago
pari-nflistdata build 2 4 months ago
pari-galpol build 2 4 months ago
pari-galdata build 2 4 months ago
perl-GnuPG-Interface build 2 4 months ago
perl-Module-Signature build 2 4 months ago
facter build 2 4 months ago
snapd build 2 4 months ago
python-manilaclient build 2 4 months ago
python-mistralclient build 2 4 months ago
python-heatclient build 2 4 months ago
python-troveclient build 2 4 months ago
python-magnumclient build 2 4 months ago
pam_mount build 2 4 months ago
znc build 2 4 months ago
ed build 2 4 months ago
vim-latex build 2 4 months ago
dialog build 2 4 months ago
irssi build 2 4 months ago
repo build 2 4 months ago
mingw-pcre build 2 4 months ago
shigofumi build 2 4 months ago
python-tackerclient build 2 4 months ago
python-keystoneclient build 2 4 months ago
sysconftool build 2 4 months ago
hiera build 2 4 months ago
freemarker build 2 4 months ago
llvm15 build 2 4 months ago
libcap build 2 4 months ago
guile-gnutls build 2 4 months ago
python-vitrageclient build 2 4 months ago
libextractor build 2 4 months ago
tio build 2 4 months ago
davfs2 build 2 4 months ago
mingw-usbredir build 2 4 months ago
wlroots0.15 build 2 4 months ago
libgovirt build 2 4 months ago
gnutls build 2 4 months ago
mat2 build 2 4 months ago
mingw-spice-gtk build 2 4 months ago
virt-p2v build 2 4 months ago
python2.7 build 2 4 months ago
lxi-tools build 2 5 months ago
notmuch build 2 5 months ago
python3.6 build 2 5 months ago
python3.8 build 2 5 months ago
python3.9 build 2 5 months ago
python3.10 build 2 5 months ago
rabbitmq-server build 2 5 months ago
fcitx5-gtk build 2 5 months ago
tinygo build 2 5 months ago
virt-v2v build 2 5 months ago
python-oslo-db build 2 5 months ago
gopass build 2 5 months ago
sigul build 2 5 months ago
pspp build 2 5 months ago
guestfs-tools build 2 5 months ago
libguestfs build 2 5 months ago
python3.11 build 2 5 months ago
perl-POSIX-strptime build 3 4 months ago
limnoria build 3 4 months ago
packit build 3 4 months ago
dnf build 4 4 months ago
pungi build 4 4 months ago
rpmlint build 4 4 months ago
perl-PPIx-Utilities build 4 4 months ago
perl-Catalyst-View-TT build 4 4 months ago
perl-Data-ICal build 4 4 months ago
perl-CPAN-Plugin-Sysdeps build 4 4 months ago
perl-File-ShareDir-PAR build 4 4 months ago
grub2 build 4 4 months ago
libsolv build 4 4 months ago
javapackages-bootstrap build 4 4 months ago
rpm-head-signing build 4 4 months ago
fedora-iot-config build 4 4 months ago
perl-Carmel build 4 4 months ago
perl-Catalyst-Devel build 4 4 months ago
xmvn-generator build 4 4 months ago
fapolicyd build 4 4 months ago
libdnf build 4 4 months ago
perl-Data-Entropy build 4 4 months ago
perl-local-lib build 4 4 months ago
perl-ExtUtils-AutoInstall build 4 4 months ago
perl-Catalyst-Helper-FastCGI-ExternalServer build 4 4 months ago
perl-Shipwright build 4 4 months ago
perl-JSON-Any build 4 4 months ago
perl-Catalyst-View-Component-SubInclude build 4 4 months ago
perl-Test-WWW-Selenium build 4 4 months ago
perl-DBICx-AutoDoc build 4 4 months ago
perl-MooseX-Traits-Pluggable build 4 4 months ago
perl-POE-Component-Client-LDAP build 4 4 months ago
perl-CPAN-Inject build 4 4 months ago
perl-DBIx-Class-TimeStamp build 4 4 months ago
perl-Test-MockObject build 4 4 months ago
perl-HTML-TreeBuilderX-ASP_NET build 4 4 months ago
perl-Makefile-DOM build 4 4 months ago
perl-pip build 4 4 months ago
perl-Module-Install-ReadmeMarkdownFromPod build 4 4 months ago
transactional-update build 4 4 months ago
perl-MP3-Info build 4 4 months ago
perl-VMware-LabManager build 4 4 months ago
perl-RPM-VersionCompare build 4 4 months ago
perl-CatalystX-Component-Traits build 4 4 months ago
perl-Catalyst-Authentication-Store-DBIx-Class build 4 4 months ago
perl-Catalyst-Plugin-Authentication build 4 4 months ago
dnf5 build 4 4 months ago
sblim-cmpi-rpm build 4 4 months ago
openscap build 4 5 months ago
libzypp build 4 5 months ago
geany-plugins build 4 5 months ago
gmime build 4 5 months ago
erlang-rpm-macros build 4 5 months ago
mariadb10.11 build None a month ago
sourcextractor++ build None 4 months ago
erlang-pkix build None 4 months ago
erlang-lager build None 4 months ago
erlang-hex_core build None 4 months ago
erlang-proper build None 4 months ago
erlang-p1_pgsql build None 4 months ago
erlang-poolboy build None 4 months ago
rubygem-mini_magick build None 4 months ago
pydeps build None 4 months ago
kweather build None 4 months ago
vala build None 4 months ago
gammu build None 4 months ago
gnome-builder build None 4 months ago
weston build None 4 months ago
cjdns build None 4 months ago
perl-URI-NamespaceMap build None 4 months ago
perl-Kwiki-Raw build None 4 months ago
perl-Kwiki-Search build None 4 months ago
perl-Kwiki-Revisions build None 4 months ago
perl-Kwiki-NewPage build None 4 months ago
perl-Kwiki-UserPreferences build None 4 months ago
perl-Kwiki-RecentChanges build None 4 months ago
perl-Kwiki-Archive-Rcs build None 4 months ago
perl-Kwiki-Diff build None 4 months ago
perl-Kwiki-UserName build None 4 months ago
perl-Module-Install build None 4 months ago
perl-Kwiki-Attachments build None 4 months ago
perl-Kwiki-Users-Remote build None 4 months ago
tracker build None 4 months ago
dcmtk build None 4 months ago
rsvndump build None 4 months ago
perl-Kwiki-ModPerl build None 4 months ago
perl-Data-ICal-DateTime build None 4 months ago
perl-MooseX-Types-DateTime-ButMaintained build None 4 months ago
perl-Parse-Method-Signatures build None 4 months ago
libteam build None 4 months ago
perl-Text-Quoted build None 4 months ago
kf6-kimageformats build None 4 months ago
perl-Email-Address-List build None 4 months ago
perl-HTTP-MultiPartParser build None 4 months ago
perl-Module-Install-Authority build None 4 months ago
perl-Parallel-Prefork build None 4 months ago
perl-HTML-Quoted build None 4 months ago
perl-Parallel-Scoreboard build None 4 months ago
perl-Catalyst-Plugin-Authorization-Roles build None 4 months ago
perl-HTML-RewriteAttributes build None 4 months ago
perl-Text-FindIndent build None 4 months ago
perl-List-Pairwise build None 4 months ago
perl-Test-Mock-LWP build None 4 months ago
perl-Devel-StackTrace-WithLexicals build None 4 months ago
perl-Locale-Msgfmt build None 4 months ago
gprof2dot build None 4 months ago
perl-Test-NeedsDisplay build None 4 months ago
libifp build None 4 months ago
copr-messaging build None 4 months ago
perl-Module-Install-TestBase build None 4 months ago
perl-ORLite-Statistics build None 4 months ago
perl-Cache-LRU build None 4 months ago
python-contextily build None 4 months ago
rocprim build None 4 months ago
subscription-manager build None 4 months ago
SoapySDR build None 4 months ago
perl-HTML-HTML5-Writer build None 4 months ago
flow-tools build None 4 months ago
perl-HTML-Selector-XPath build None 4 months ago
python-graphviz build None 4 months ago
debmirror build None 4 months ago
flatpak-builder build None 4 months ago
rit-rachana-fonts build None 4 months ago
rit-meera-new-fonts build None 4 months ago
imapsync build None 4 months ago
copr-dist-git build None 4 months ago
python-pygraphviz build None 4 months ago
rdopkg build None 4 months ago
dejavu-fonts build None 4 months ago
libXcm build None 4 months ago
osmium-tool build None 4 months ago
libosmo-dsp build None 4 months ago
python-colorspacious build None 4 months ago
perl-Config-GitLike build None 4 months ago
gridsite build None 4 months ago
perl-Catalyst-ActionRole-ACL build None 4 months ago
perl-Olson-Abbreviations build None 4 months ago
perl-Catalyst-Plugin-SubRequest build None 4 months ago
perl-HTTP-Server-Simple-Mason build None 4 months ago
perl-Catalyst-Plugin-I18N build None 4 months ago
perl-MooseX-Role-XMLRPC-Client build None 4 months ago
perl-Catalyst-Plugin-Cache build None 4 months ago
autoconf213 build None 4 months ago
perl-Test-HTTP-Server-Simple-StashWarnings build None 4 months ago
rcm build None 4 months ago
hmmer build None 4 months ago
perl-HTML-HTML5-Parser build None 4 months ago
perl-Module-Install-XSUtil build None 4 months ago
perl-CGI-PSGI build None 4 months ago
perl-MooseX-LazyLogDispatch build None 4 months ago
perl-Catalyst-Plugin-ConfigLoader build None 4 months ago
perl-Catalyst-Plugin-Session-State-URI build None 4 months ago
perl-Test-Script-Run build None 4 months ago
perl-lib-abs build None 4 months ago
perl-Test-Dir build None 4 months ago
perl-Math-Base36 build None 4 months ago
perl-PPI-HTML build None 4 months ago
perl-Module-Install-TrustMetaYml build None 4 months ago
perl-Sys-Detect-Virtualization build None 4 months ago
perl-PPI-PowerToys build None 4 months ago
perl-Devel-Dumpvar build None 4 months ago
perl-RDF-NS build None 4 months ago
perl-DateTime-Format-W3CDTF build None 4 months ago
perl-ModelSim-List build None 4 months ago
nagios-plugins-check-updates build None 4 months ago
perl-Authen-Simple build None 4 months ago
ocsinventory-agent build None 4 months ago
perl-Format-Human-Bytes build None 4 months ago
perl-LWP-Authen-Wsse build None 4 months ago
perl-Regexp-Assemble-Compressed build None 4 months ago
perl-ZMQ-Constants build None 4 months ago
perl-File-PathList build None 4 months ago
perl-Best build None 4 months ago
perl-Daemon-Control build None 4 months ago
perl-Module-Math-Depends build None 4 months ago
perl-PerlIO-via-dynamic build None 4 months ago
perl-Iterator-Simple build None 4 months ago
perl-LWP-Online build None 4 months ago
perl-ORLite-Migrate build None 4 months ago
perl-MooseX-Types-DateTimeX build None 4 months ago
perl-Module-Install-Contributors build None 4 months ago
perl-MouseX-NativeTraits build None 4 months ago
perl-Retry build None 4 months ago
perl-Module-Install-AutoLicense build None 4 months ago
perl-Monitoring-Plugin build None 4 months ago
perl-MouseX-Types build None 4 months ago
perl-SQL-Abstract-Classic build None 4 months ago
perl-Perl-Tags build None 4 months ago
perl-CGI-Application-Plugin-DebugScreen build None 4 months ago
perl-HTTP-Server-Simple build None 4 months ago
perl-Module-Inspector build None 4 months ago
perl-Module-Install-ReadmeFromPod build None 4 months ago
perl-XRD-Parser build None 4 months ago
libXi build None 4 months ago
perl-MouseX-Types-Common build None 4 months ago
perl-Tie-DataUUID build None 4 months ago
perl-Crypt-DSA build None 4 months ago
perl-File-Zglob build None 4 months ago
perl-Test-Log-Log4perl build None 4 months ago
perl-Makefile-Parser build None 4 months ago
perl-Catalyst-Action-RenderView build None 4 months ago
perl-Catalyst-Component-InstancePerContext build None 4 months ago
perl-Catalyst-Plugin-Session-Store-Delegate build None 4 months ago
perl-Catalyst-Plugin-Session-Store-File build None 4 months ago
perl-Net-Server-SS-PreFork build None 4 months ago
perl-Digest-BubbleBabble build None 4 months ago
perl-Convert-PEM build None 4 months ago
perl-CGI-Application-PSGI build None 4 months ago
perl-MooseX-LogDispatch build None 4 months ago
perl-Catalyst-Plugin-Unicode build None 4 months ago
perl-Class-Data-Accessor build None 4 months ago
perl-Curses-UI build None 4 months ago
perl-Nagios-Plugin-WWW-Mechanize build None 4 months ago
perl-WWW-Mechanize-TreeBuilder build None 4 months ago
perl-POE-Component-Client-Ident build None 4 months ago
perl-DBIx-Class-Cursor-Cached build None 4 months ago
perl-MouseX-ConfigFromFile build None 4 months ago
perl-MouseX-Types-Path-Class build None 4 months ago
perl-Parse-ErrorString-Perl build None 4 months ago
perl-Catalyst-Plugin-StackTrace build None 4 months ago
perl-Syntax-Highlight-Engine-Kate build None 4 months ago
perl-Starlet build None 4 months ago
spandsp build None 4 months ago
perl-RDF-Trine-Node-Literal-XML build None 4 months ago
perl-Template-Plugin-Cycle build None 4 months ago
perl-Lingua-EN-Alphabet-Shaw build None 4 months ago
perl-SVG-TT-Graph build None 4 months ago
pure-ftpd build None 4 months ago
libsqlite3x build None 4 months ago
perl-Catalyst-Controller-FormBuilder build None 4 months ago
perl-Module-Extract build None 4 months ago
perl-Tk-GraphViz build None 4 months ago
perl-CPANPLUS build None 4 months ago
cockpit build None 4 months ago
globus-gass-transfer build None 4 months ago
nfdump build None 4 months ago
globus-ftp-control build None 4 months ago
globus-gram-protocol build None 4 months ago
perl-Feed-Find build None 4 months ago
perl-Catalyst-Plugin-Session build None 4 months ago
perl-DBIx-SearchBuilder build None 4 months ago
perl-MIME-Charset build None 4 months ago
perl-IRI build None 4 months ago
maloc build None 4 months ago
perl-Test-utf8 build None 4 months ago
liberasurecode build None 4 months ago
globus-xio build None 4 months ago
portaudio build None 4 months ago
globus-gsi-openssl-error build None 4 months ago
globus-xio-gsi-driver build None 4 months ago
ndctl build None 4 months ago
perl-WWW-Search build None 4 months ago
libmongo-client build None 4 months ago
fusioninventory-agent build None 4 months ago
perl-MIME-tools build None 4 months ago
perl-Text-Markdown build None 4 months ago
perl-Encode-DoubleEncodedUTF8 build None 4 months ago
perl-HTML-TreeBuilder-LibXML build None 4 months ago
python-earthpy build None 4 months ago
perl-Crypt-DH build None 4 months ago
perl-Archive-RPM build None 4 months ago
BackupPC build None 4 months ago
python-mapclassify build None 4 months ago
python-sqlalchemy_schemadisplay build None 4 months ago
ocaml-qtest build None 4 months ago
perl-Spoon build None 4 months ago
perl-PDF-API2 build None 4 months ago
perl-Test-WWW-Mechanize-Catalyst build None 4 months ago
perl-XML-Hash-LX build None 4 months ago
perl-ORLite-Mirror build None 4 months ago
opus build None 4 months ago
avrdude build None 4 months ago
perl-LDAP build None 4 months ago
physfs build None 4 months ago
selinux-policy build None 4 months ago
perl-Module-Install-RDF build None 4 months ago
python-glymur build None 4 months ago
perl-Crypt-Cracklib build None 4 months ago
rbm build None 4 months ago
perl-Module-Install-DOAP build None 4 months ago
perl-HTTP-Parser-XS build None 4 months ago
perl-RDF-TriN3 build None 4 months ago
perl-ZMQ-LibZMQ4 build None 4 months ago
perl-Module-Install-CheckLib build None 4 months ago
perl-Module-Install-Copyright build None 4 months ago
perl-DBIx-Class-DynamicDefault build None 4 months ago
perl-DBICx-TestDatabase build None 4 months ago
perl-Catalyst-View-Email build None 4 months ago
icecream build None 4 months ago
rubygem-asciidoctor-pdf build None 4 months ago
perl-DBIx-Class-DateTime-Epoch build None 4 months ago
perl-Crypt-OpenSSL-X509 build None 4 months ago
cmake-fedora build None 4 months ago
perl-Catalyst-Controller-HTML-FormFu build None 4 months ago
perl-BSSolv build None 4 months ago
smartmontools build None 4 months ago
corosync build None 4 months ago
perl-Net-MQTT-Simple build None 4 months ago
perl-Lingua-EN-PluralToSingular build None 4 months ago
perl-Mail-AuthenticationResults build None 4 months ago
perl-Syntax-Keyword-Gather build None 4 months ago
perl-Net-SSH2 build None 4 months ago
perl-RDF-Trine build None 4 months ago
rubygem-xmlparser build None 4 months ago
perl-Encode-HanExtra build None 4 months ago
erlang-webmachine build None 4 months ago
erlang-fast_xml build None 4 months ago
prelude-manager build None 4 months ago
erlang-corba build None 4 months ago
jimtcl build None 4 months ago
resalloc build None 4 months ago
mingw-libftdi build None 4 months ago
libtpcmisc build None 4 months ago
python-xarray build None 4 months ago
slashem build None 4 months ago
mingw-libzip build None 4 months ago
module-build-service build None 4 months ago
aubio build None 4 months ago
python-geopandas build None 4 months ago
libfishsound build None 4 months ago
dvdauthor build None 4 months ago
public-inbox build None 4 months ago
libcaca build None 4 months ago
libmusicbrainz5 build None 4 months ago
copr-frontend build None 4 months ago
freexl build None 4 months ago
libpqxx build None 4 months ago
phonon-qt4-backend-gstreamer build None 4 months ago
elements-alexandria build None 4 months ago
heimdal build None 4 months ago
Mayavi build None 4 months ago
uudeview build None 4 months ago
android-tools build None 4 months ago
mailman3 build None 4 months ago
GMT build None 4 months ago
apt build None 4 months ago
gimp-help build None 4 months ago
alizams build None 4 months ago
libyui-mga-qt build None 4 months ago
gummi build None 4 months ago
koffice-kivio build None 4 months ago
sssd build None 4 months ago
clevis build None 4 months ago
erlang-p1_mysql build None 4 months ago
petpvc build None 4 months ago
erlang-sext build None 4 months ago
proxysql build None 4 months ago
cinnamon-control-center build None 4 months ago
erlang-mochiweb build None 4 months ago
bes build None 4 months ago
sdcc build None 4 months ago
tuxpaint build None 4 months ago
gecode build None 5 months ago
wsjtx build None 5 months ago
openvswitch build None 5 months ago
PackageKit build None 5 months ago
gstreamer1-plugins-bad-free build None 5 months ago
js8call build None 5 months ago
libvirt build None 5 months ago
kdebase3 build None 5 months ago
InsightToolkit build None 5 months ago
phonon-qt4 build None 5 months ago
kcm_systemd build None 5 months ago
kid3 build None 5 months ago
phonon-backend-gstreamer build None 5 months ago
nheko build None 5 months ago
opencascade build None 5 months ago
vakzination build None 5 months ago
icemon build None 5 months ago
qpdfview build None 5 months ago
molsketch build None 5 months ago
applet-window-buttons build None 5 months ago
kdelibs3 build None 5 months ago
kf5-kmailtransport build None 5 months ago
python-paperwork-backend build None 5 months ago
kproperty build None 5 months ago
kde-l10n build None 5 months ago
plplot build None 5 months ago
mathgl build None 5 months ago
wine build None 5 months ago
phosh build None 5 months ago
vfrnav build None 5 months ago
deepin-kwin build None 5 months ago
budgie-control-center build None 5 months ago
qtspell build None 5 months ago
git-annex build None 5 months ago
calibre build None 5 months ago
k4dirstat build None 5 months ago
kopete build None 5 months ago
mingw-wpcap build None 5 months ago
erlang-p1_utils build None 5 months ago
erlang-p1_oauth2 build None 5 months ago
erlang-fuse build None 5 months ago
smartsim build None 5 months ago
zynaddsubfx build None 5 months ago
golly build None 5 months ago
soprano build None 5 months ago
libffado build None 5 months ago
uucp build None 5 months ago
opendbx build None 5 months ago
kreport build None 5 months ago
netgen-mesher build None 5 months ago
kommit build None 5 months ago
gimp build None 5 months ago
remmina build None 5 months ago
deepin-file-manager build None 5 months ago
paraview build None 5 months ago
Macaulay2 build None 5 months ago
Singular build None 5 months ago
vtk build None 5 months ago
asymptote build None 5 months ago
blender build None 5 months ago


This page shows packages in Fedora Rawhide which buildability was possibly affected by npth upgrade from 1.6-18.fc40 to 1.7-1.fc41.
Please keep in mind that there were many other dependency changes happening in parallel that could have caused any particular failure.