Affected packages

Packages affected by zip upgrade from 3.0-39.fc40 to 3.0-40.fc40 (in Fedora 40)
Package Current state Build Distance Build time
jss build 1 5 months ago
zziplib build 1 5 months ago
mozjs91 build 1 5 months ago
mozjs115 build 1 5 months ago
mozjs102 build 1 5 months ago
rabbitmq-server build 1 5 months ago
buildstream build 1 5 months ago
java-1.8.0-openjdk-portable build 1 5 months ago
java-latest-openjdk-portable build 1 5 months ago
audacity build 1 5 months ago
python3.11 build 2 5 months ago
xpra build 2 5 months ago
R-tkrplot build 2 5 months ago
R-XML build 2 5 months ago
ocaml-jane-street-headers build 3 5 months ago
ocaml-newt build 3 5 months ago
python-flufl-i18n build 3 5 months ago
mpibash build 3 5 months ago
libecpg build 3 5 months ago
stfl build 3 5 months ago
python-pytest-mpi build 3 5 months ago
dbcsr build 3 5 months ago
ghc-HsOpenSSL build 3 5 months ago
ghc-readline build 3 5 months ago
openblas build 3 5 months ago
genders build 3 5 months ago
ghc-libxml-sax build 3 5 months ago
h5py build 3 5 months ago
perl-BSSolv build 3 5 months ago
ghc-vector-space build 3 5 months ago
perl-CGI-SpeedyCGI build 3 5 months ago
perl-PDF-Haru build 3 5 months ago
perl-smartmatch build 3 5 months ago
prelude-manager build 3 5 months ago
perl-Text-Kakasi build 3 5 months ago
hdf5 build 3 5 months ago
ghc-oeis build 3 5 months ago
perl-Algorithm-BloomFilter build 3 5 months ago
openldap build 3 5 months ago
perl-Env-C build 3 5 months ago
ghc-word-wrap build 3 5 months ago
hpx build 3 5 months ago
ghc-typed-process build 3 5 months ago
libpreludedb build 3 5 months ago
ghc-HTTP build 3 5 months ago
perl-Socket6 build 3 5 months ago
perl-HarfBuzz-Shaper build 3 5 months ago
libprelude build 3 5 months ago
ghc-GLUT build 3 5 months ago
ghc-bencode build 3 5 months ago
perl-Encode-JP-Mobile build 3 5 months ago
perl-DBD-Firebird build 3 5 months ago
lammps build 3 5 months ago
scorep build 3 5 months ago
espresso build 3 5 months ago
perl-Function-Parameters build 3 5 months ago
perl-Crypt-U2F-Server build 3 5 months ago
orsa build 3 5 months ago
flowcanvas build 3 5 months ago
python-lfpy build 3 5 months ago
strongswan build 3 5 months ago
freeradius build 3 5 months ago
postgresql15 build 3 5 months ago
spamassassin build 3 5 months ago
perl-WWW-Curl build 3 5 months ago
xen build 3 5 months ago
module-build-service build 3 5 months ago
ghc-gi-gio build 3 5 months ago
ghc-gtk build 3 5 months ago
ghc-gi-atk build 3 5 months ago
antlr4-project build 3 5 months ago
ghc-gi-gobject build 3 5 months ago
ghc-fdo-notify build 3 5 months ago
ghc-gi-glib build 3 5 months ago
ghc-gi-gmodule build 3 5 months ago
ghc-gi-ostree build 3 5 months ago
rrdtool build 3 5 months ago
ghc-gi-gdkpixbuf build 3 5 months ago
perl-Tk build 3 5 months ago
ghc-gtk3 build 3 5 months ago
nest build 3 5 months ago
ghc-gi-cairo build 3 5 months ago
qtwebkit build 3 5 months ago
gnumeric build 3 5 months ago
ghc-gi-pango build 3 5 months ago
openscap build 3 5 months ago
asv build 3 5 months ago
pspp build 3 5 months ago
netgen-mesher build 3 5 months ago
uwsgi build 3 5 months ago
android-tools build 3 5 months ago
ghc-gi-gtk build 3 5 months ago
ghc-gi-gdk build 3 5 months ago
pidgin build 3 5 months ago
paraview build 3 5 months ago
R-jqr build 3 5 months ago
vtk build 3 5 months ago
R-curl build 3 5 months ago
mathgl build 3 5 months ago
gimp build 3 5 months ago
python-pyshtools build 4 5 months ago
golang-github-alecthomas-template build 4 5 months ago
golang-github-pierrre-compare build 4 5 months ago
golang-github-pkg-errors build 4 5 months ago
magicmirror-module-onthisday build 4 5 months ago
golang-x-arch build 4 5 months ago
golang-github-opendns-vegadns2client build 4 5 months ago
magicmirror build 4 5 months ago
jowl build 4 5 months ago
golang-github-quic-qtls-go1-20 build 4 5 months ago
golang-github-aliyun-alibaba-cloud-sdk build 4 5 months ago
golang-github-elves-elvish build 4 5 months ago
python-extras build 4 5 months ago
golang-github-tdewolff-minify build 4 5 months ago
python-hatchling build 4 5 months ago
golang-oras-2 build 4 5 months ago
golang-github-nicksnyder-i18n build 4 5 months ago
python-pycountry build 4 5 months ago
mingw-speexdsp build 4 5 months ago
golang-github-urfave-cli-2 build 4 5 months ago
golang-gopkg-square-jose-2 build 4 5 months ago
golang-github-smartystreets-goconvey build 4 5 months ago
golang-github-yuin-goldmark build 4 5 months ago
golang-github-tchap-patricia build 4 5 months ago
golang-github-nkovacs-streamquote build 4 5 months ago
golang-github-mrunalp-fileutils build 4 5 months ago
golang-github-djherbis-atime build 4 5 months ago
golang-github-d5-tengo-2 build 4 5 months ago
golang-github-cosiner-argv build 4 5 months ago
golang-github-axgle-mahonia build 4 5 months ago
golang-github-alecthomas-repr build 4 5 months ago
golang-github-jhillyerd-enmime build 4 5 months ago
golang-github-gatherstars-com-jwz build 4 5 months ago
golang-github-djherbis-nio build 4 5 months ago
python-flask-basicauth build 4 5 months ago
golang-github-shopify-toxiproxy build 4 5 months ago
golang-x-vuln build 4 5 months ago
python-moddb build 4 5 months ago
python-APScheduler build 4 5 months ago
python-ibm-vpc build 4 5 months ago
python-wtforms-sqlalchemy build 4 5 months ago
python-pytest-asyncio build 4 5 months ago
python-multidict build 4 5 months ago
golang-github-nbrownus-metrics-prometheus build 4 5 months ago
python-sphinx-notfound-page build 4 5 months ago
paratype-pt-serif-fonts build 4 5 months ago
naver-nanum-gothic-coding-fonts build 4 5 months ago
motoya-lmaru-fonts build 4 5 months ago
delve build 4 5 months ago
golang-github-libgit2-git2go build 4 5 months ago
golang-github-wi2l-jettison build 4 5 months ago
golang-github-segmentio-encoding build 4 5 months ago
golang-goftp-server build 4 5 months ago
golang-x-text build 4 5 months ago
git-filter-repo build 4 5 months ago
python-chaospy build 4 5 months ago
golang-github-subosito-gotenv build 4 5 months ago
golang-github-liamg-scout build 4 5 months ago
golang-github-leonelquinteros-gotext build 4 5 months ago
golang-github-mmcloughlin-avo build 4 5 months ago
golang-github-projectdiscovery-stringsutil build 4 5 months ago
python-psycopg3 build 4 5 months ago
python-aiomqtt build 4 5 months ago
python-ujson build 4 5 months ago
podman-tui build 4 5 months ago
godoctor build 4 5 months ago
golang-gotest build 4 5 months ago
golang-gopkg-macaron-1 build 4 5 months ago
golang-honnef-tools build 4 5 months ago
golang-k8s-klog build 4 5 months ago
python-eventlet build 4 5 months ago
python-webscrapbook build 4 5 months ago
python-gradunwarp build 4 5 months ago
python-testing.postgresql build 4 5 months ago
python-lxml build 4 5 months ago
python-datrie build 4 5 months ago
golang-github-google-go-github build 4 5 months ago
python-ufo2ft build 4 5 months ago
gdouros-alexander-fonts build 4 5 months ago
aftertheflood-sparks-fonts build 4 5 months ago
python-idna build 4 5 months ago
python-intbitset build 4 5 months ago
golang-github-gofiber-fiber-2 build 4 5 months ago
python-PyLEMS build 4 5 months ago
golang-x-tools build 4 5 months ago
python-versioningit build 4 5 months ago
python-pyproject-hooks build 4 5 months ago
python-uvicorn build 4 5 months ago
python-EvoPreprocess build 4 5 months ago
python-rapidfuzz build 4 5 months ago
golang-github-alecthomas-chroma-2 build 4 5 months ago
erlang-protobuffs build 4 5 months ago
mingw-python-flask build 4 5 months ago
python-cliff build 4 5 months ago
golang-github-mwitkow-conntrack build 4 5 months ago
python-exdir build 4 5 months ago
python-oauthlib build 4 5 months ago
golang-github-prometheus-client build 4 5 months ago
golang-github-charmbracelet-glamour build 4 5 months ago
mingw-drmingw build 4 5 months ago
python-zmq build 4 5 months ago
python-extractcode build 4 5 months ago
python-watchdog build 4 5 months ago
python-cbor2 build 4 5 months ago
python-typecode build 4 5 months ago
python-httpx build 4 5 months ago
python-devtools build 4 5 months ago
golang-x-exp build 4 5 months ago
python-djvulibre build 4 5 months ago
pesign build 4 5 months ago
liquidctl build 4 5 months ago
python-pygit2 build 4 5 months ago
mingw-python-shapely build 4 5 months ago
open-policy-agent build 4 5 months ago
python-pycryptodomex build 4 5 months ago
python-postorius build 4 5 months ago
python-zarr build 4 5 months ago
python-xmlsec build 4 5 months ago
hcloud build 4 5 months ago
python-boutdata build 4 5 months ago
golang-mongodb-mongo-driver build 4 5 months ago
ghc-generics-sop build 4 5 months ago
python-elastic-transport build 4 5 months ago
python-hypothesis build 4 5 months ago
nginx-mod-modsecurity build 4 5 months ago
python-ratinabox build 4 5 months ago
python-flexmock build 4 5 months ago
python-peewee build 4 5 months ago
erlang-corba build 4 5 months ago
python-ZEO build 4 5 months ago
python-imagecodecs build 4 5 months ago
python-neurom build 4 5 months ago
python-jupyter-console build 4 5 months ago
python-conda-index build 4 5 months ago
python-pingouin build 4 5 months ago
python-nipy build 4 5 months ago
python-mizani build 4 5 months ago
python-oslo-concurrency build 4 5 months ago
oraculum build 4 5 months ago
python-xbout build 4 5 months ago
python-geopandas build 4 5 months ago
mingw-libftdi build 4 5 months ago
python-netpyne build 4 5 months ago
gopass build 4 5 months ago
python-libcst build 4 5 months ago
python-vitrageclient build 4 5 months ago
blender build 4 5 months ago
golang-github-googlecloudplatform-guest-logging build 4 5 months ago
tiled build 4 5 months ago
pypy build 4 5 months ago
R-waveslim build 4 5 months ago
mat2 build 4 5 months ago
golang-github-google-flatbuffers build 4 5 months ago
pypy3.10 build 4 5 months ago
golang-github-quic build 4 5 months ago
pypy3.9 build 4 5 months ago
grpcurl build 4 5 months ago
kreport build 4 5 months ago
golang-google-api build 4 5 months ago
mingw-opencv build 4 5 months ago
ghc-gi-harfbuzz build 4 5 months ago
ghc-doctemplates build 4 5 months ago
golang-entgo-ent build 4 5 months ago
deepin-kwin build 4 5 months ago
golang-github-azure-sdk build 4 5 months ago
libffado build 4 5 months ago
golang-opentelemetry-otel-0.20 build 4 5 months ago
google-osconfig-agent build 4 5 months ago
golang-github-deepmap-oapi-codegen build 4 5 months ago
golang-opentelemetry-otel build 4 5 months ago
applet-window-buttons build 4 5 months ago
tinygo build 4 5 months ago
qt5-qtwebkit build 4 5 months ago
golang-github-apache-arrow build 4 5 months ago
vakzination build 4 5 months ago
golang-github-docker-libkv build 4 5 months ago
golang-github-cloudflare-cfssl build 4 5 months ago
golang-github-distribution-3 build 4 5 months ago
golang-google-grpc build 4 5 months ago
golang-sigs-k8s-aws-iam-authenticator build 4 5 months ago
hedgewars build 4 5 months ago
nheko build 4 5 months ago
proxysql build 4 5 months ago
denemo build 4 5 months ago
R-rappdirs build 4 5 months ago
python-music21 build 4 5 months ago
proxygen build 4 5 months ago
nagios build 4 5 months ago
public-inbox build 4 5 months ago
golang-oras build 4 5 months ago
golang-github-prometheus-alertmanager build 4 5 months ago
plasma-bigscreen build 4 5 months ago
kf5-purpose build 4 5 months ago
gh build 4 5 months ago
golang-github-google-trillian build 4 5 months ago
golang-contrib-opencensus-exporter-stackdriver build 4 5 months ago
golang-gvisor build 4 5 months ago
golang-opentelemetry-contrib build 4 5 months ago
golang-github-acme-lego build 4 5 months ago
python-cvxopt build 4 5 months ago
gdal build 4 5 months ago
golang-gocloud build 4 5 months ago
eigen3 build 4 5 months ago
hugo build 4 5 months ago
golang-helm-3 build 4 5 months ago
Agda build 4 5 months ago
golang-github-prometheus build 4 5 months ago
golang-github-docker build 4 5 months ago
python-mplcairo build 4 5 months ago
asymptote build 4 5 months ago
python-x3dh build None a month ago
php-symfony-psr-http-message-bridge build None 2 months ago
geany-plugins build None 5 months ago
hunspell-mi build None 5 months ago
rubygem-appraisal build None 5 months ago
rubygem-moped build None 5 months ago
rubygem-mini_portile build None 5 months ago
rubygem-mime-types-data build None 5 months ago
rubygem-hitimes build None 5 months ago
sway-config-fedora build None 5 months ago
xenlism-wildfire build None 5 months ago
sqm-scripts build None 5 months ago
rubygem-hashicorp-checkpoint build None 5 months ago
rubygem-mimemagic build None 5 months ago
rubygem-afm build None 5 months ago
rubygem-zeitwerk build None 5 months ago
rubygem-metaclass build None 5 months ago
rubygem-sass build None 5 months ago
lovelock-kde-theme build None 5 months ago
goddard-kde-theme build None 5 months ago
beefy-miracle-kde-theme build None 5 months ago
verne-kde-theme build None 5 months ago
leonidas-kde-theme build None 5 months ago
rubygem-rttool build None 5 months ago
tkabber-plugins build None 5 months ago
constantine-kde-theme build None 5 months ago
solar-kde-theme build None 5 months ago
laughlin-kde-theme build None 5 months ago
mcpp build None 5 months ago
libx86emu build None 5 months ago
msr-tools build None 5 months ago
whereami build None 5 months ago
dateutils build None 5 months ago
adwaita-blue-gtk-theme build None 5 months ago
aspell-no build None 5 months ago
volpack build None 5 months ago
rust-adler build None 5 months ago
jam build None 5 months ago
miller build None 5 months ago
rEFInd build None 5 months ago
f24-backgrounds build None 5 months ago
ck build None 5 months ago
rust-rand_jitter build None 5 months ago
f36-backgrounds build None 5 months ago
f35-backgrounds build None 5 months ago
f33-backgrounds build None 5 months ago
f31-backgrounds build None 5 months ago
f28-backgrounds build None 5 months ago
spherical-cow-backgrounds build None 5 months ago
f23-backgrounds build None 5 months ago
f22-backgrounds build None 5 months ago
rubygem-async_sinatra build None 5 months ago
colrdx build None 5 months ago
f25-backgrounds build None 5 months ago
netbox build None 5 months ago
f26-backgrounds build None 5 months ago
lovelock-backgrounds build None 5 months ago
goddard-backgrounds build None 5 months ago
fedora-jam-backgrounds build None 5 months ago
f37-backgrounds build None 5 months ago
f34-backgrounds build None 5 months ago
f32-backgrounds build None 5 months ago
f30-backgrounds build None 5 months ago
f29-backgrounds build None 5 months ago
f27-backgrounds build None 5 months ago
f21-backgrounds build None 5 months ago
constantine-backgrounds build None 5 months ago
beefy-miracle-backgrounds build None 5 months ago
python-QtPy build None 5 months ago
python-sphinxcontrib-httpdomain build None 5 months ago
sipvicious build None 5 months ago
python-mypy_extensions build None 5 months ago
python-msldap build None 5 months ago
python-libevdev build None 5 months ago
pysnmp build None 5 months ago
poezio-omemo build None 5 months ago
python-pycxx build None 5 months ago
python-linux-procfs build None 5 months ago
verne-backgrounds build None 5 months ago
schroedinger-cat-backgrounds build None 5 months ago
laughlin-backgrounds build None 5 months ago
pspg build None 5 months ago
rats build None 5 months ago
rust-inotify-sys build None 5 months ago
mock-core-configs build None 5 months ago
chntpw build None 5 months ago
procdump build None 5 months ago
openblas-srpm-macros build None 5 months ago
rust-pretty_assertions build None 5 months ago
python-pykmip build None 5 months ago
infinipath-psm build None 5 months ago
rubygem-treetop build None 5 months ago
asio-grpc build None 5 months ago
wiki2beamer build None 5 months ago
rubygem-unicode build None 5 months ago
python-XStatic-smart-table build None 5 months ago
python-XStatic-FileSaver build None 5 months ago
python-XStatic-Angular-Mock build None 5 months ago
compat-tolua++ build None 5 months ago
libnxz build None 5 months ago
cptutils build None 5 months ago
libgenht build None 5 months ago
doh build None 5 months ago
rubygem-posix-spawn build None 5 months ago
fonts-KOI8-R build None 5 months ago
f38-backgrounds build None 5 months ago
f39-backgrounds build None 5 months ago
rubygem-ncursesw build None 5 months ago
regexp build None 5 months ago
python-epc build None 5 months ago
openni-primesense build None 5 months ago
rust-pkcs5_0.3 build None 5 months ago
generic-logos build None 5 months ago
tcl-tclxml build None 5 months ago
libdfp build None 5 months ago
softhsm build None 5 months ago
rust-nu-path build None 5 months ago
rubygem-rubygems-mirror build None 5 months ago
libvarlink build None 5 months ago
rust-tendril build None 5 months ago
rdist build None 5 months ago
pngnq build None 5 months ago
git-secrets build None 5 months ago
rubygem-msgpack build None 5 months ago
gsl-lite build None 5 months ago
atlas build None 5 months ago
range-v3 build None 5 months ago
environment-modules build None 5 months ago
worker build None 5 months ago
rust-bincode build None 5 months ago
alglib build None 5 months ago
libs3 build None 5 months ago
rust-logging_timer_proc_macros build None 5 months ago
simdutf build None 5 months ago
rust-thiserror-impl build None 5 months ago
shim build None 5 months ago
rust-unic-langid-macros build None 5 months ago
rust-der_derive0.4 build None 5 months ago
rust-tiny_http build None 5 months ago
strace build None 5 months ago
rust-concurrent-queue build None 5 months ago
wmname build None 5 months ago
fastx_toolkit build None 5 months ago
python-keep build None 5 months ago
discount build None 5 months ago
j4-dmenu-desktop build None 5 months ago
rust-plotlib build None 5 months ago
flickcurl build None 5 months ago
libformfactor build None 5 months ago
python-heapdict build None 5 months ago
ctpl build None 5 months ago
raddump build None 5 months ago
mysql-connector-odbc build None 5 months ago
functionalplus build None 5 months ago
lcms build None 5 months ago
rust-lscolors0.15 build None 5 months ago
libcap build None 5 months ago
rust-tabled_derive build None 5 months ago
fmt-ptrn build None 5 months ago
rust-prettyplease build None 5 months ago
simdjson build None 5 months ago
zipper build None 5 months ago
cdist build None 5 months ago
python-setuptools_scm_git_archive build None 5 months ago
3proxy build None 5 months ago
python-uinput build None 5 months ago
bwbar build None 5 months ago
postgresql-odbc build None 5 months ago
synce4l build None 5 months ago
archlinux-keyring build None 5 months ago
tinyfugue build None 5 months ago
cppcodec build None 5 months ago
libmpcdec build None 5 months ago
root-tail build None 5 months ago
libprometheus-cpp build None 5 months ago
vis build None 5 months ago
rust-bitvec_helpers build None 5 months ago
xisxwayland build None 5 months ago
cadaver build None 5 months ago
fwupd-efi build None 5 months ago
lua-dbi build None 5 months ago
kpcli build None 5 months ago
py-radix build None 5 months ago
rogue build None 5 months ago
srcpd build None 5 months ago
snallygaster build None 5 months ago
qm-vamp-plugins build None 5 months ago
sxhkd build None 5 months ago
python-pytest-trio build None 5 months ago
rubygem-webmock build None 5 months ago
vcpkg build None 5 months ago
sblim-cmpi-rpm build None 5 months ago
garmintools build None 5 months ago
guile-gnutls build None 5 months ago
castget build None 5 months ago
netcdf4-python build None 5 months ago
python-pyclipper build None 5 months ago
davfs2 build None 5 months ago
termy-server build None 5 months ago
xtb build None 5 months ago
blt build None 5 months ago
python-anymarkup-core build None 5 months ago
python-flask-httpauth build None 5 months ago
isrcsubmit build None 5 months ago
wf-config build None 5 months ago
sblim-cim-client build None 5 months ago
python-orderedset build None 5 months ago
openfst build None 5 months ago
fapg build None 5 months ago
python-hl7 build None 5 months ago
binaryen build None 5 months ago
vamp-plugin-sdk build None 5 months ago
python-gerritlib build None 5 months ago
rusers build None 5 months ago
python-glue build None 5 months ago
python-html5-parser build None 5 months ago
parlaylib build None 5 months ago
v8-314 build None 5 months ago
erlang-rpm-macros build None 5 months ago
hfsutils build None 5 months ago
alfont build None 5 months ago
python-imagehash build None 5 months ago
tcl-trf build None 5 months ago
python-mechanicalsoup build None 5 months ago
python-scss build None 5 months ago
libgee06 build None 5 months ago
python-pystray build None 5 months ago
iproute build None 5 months ago
botan2 build None 5 months ago
python-persist-queue build None 5 months ago
libgle build None 5 months ago
python-httpretty build None 5 months ago
php-egulias-email-validator build None 5 months ago
logiops build None 5 months ago
libgit2 build None 5 months ago
libotf build None 5 months ago
rizin build None 5 months ago
bindfs build None 5 months ago
php-fig-link-util build None 5 months ago
ncview build None 5 months ago
php-aws-php-sns-message-validator build None 5 months ago
system-rules build None 5 months ago
eurephia build None 5 months ago
ArpON build None 5 months ago
rubygem-puma build None 5 months ago
libgit2_1.6 build None 5 months ago
libgit2_1.5 build None 5 months ago
python-scikit-learn build None 5 months ago
php-phpdocumentor-reflection-docblock2 build None 5 months ago
php-phpdocumentor-type-resolver build None 5 months ago
python-repoze-who build None 5 months ago
rust-uu_comm build None 5 months ago
python-sqlalchemy-collectd build None 5 months ago
python-Bottleneck build None 5 months ago
osmo-fl2k build None 5 months ago
unicornscan build None 5 months ago
php-phpdocumentor-reflection-docblock build None 5 months ago
libuv build None 5 months ago
php-true-punycode build None 5 months ago
python-nptyping build None 5 months ago
micropython build None 5 months ago
rust-idna build None 5 months ago
php-cache-adapter-common build None 5 months ago
python-smartcols build None 5 months ago
php-mikealmond-musicbrainz build None 5 months ago
mono-cecil-flowanalysis build None 5 months ago
efitools build None 5 months ago
rubygem-mini_magick build None 5 months ago
libsocketcan build None 5 months ago
python-routes build None 5 months ago
rust-gix-lock build None 5 months ago
rust-logging_timer build None 5 months ago
php-pecl-raphf build None 5 months ago
iwyu build None 5 months ago
cldr-emoji-annotation build None 5 months ago
eb build None 5 months ago
biboumi build None 5 months ago
libvirt-cim build None 5 months ago
opengrm-ngram build None 5 months ago
python-gensim build None 5 months ago
jack_capture build None 5 months ago
nbd build None 5 months ago
xbae build None 5 months ago
php-cache-filesystem-adapter build None 5 months ago
php-paragonie-random-compat build None 5 months ago
dwgrep build None 5 months ago
vimiv build None 5 months ago
rust-aes-gcm build None 5 months ago
chrony build None 5 months ago
gl-manpages build None 5 months ago
php-jdorn-sql-formatter build None 5 months ago
xedit build None 5 months ago
php-phpdocumentor-reflection-common build None 5 months ago
python-random2 build None 5 months ago
php-erusev-parsedown build None 5 months ago
expat build None 5 months ago
gamerzillagobj build None 5 months ago
php-sentry build None 5 months ago
php-kukulich-fshl build None 5 months ago
php-bantu-ini-get-wrapper build None 5 months ago
psiconv build None 5 months ago
rust-cargo_metadata0.15 build None 5 months ago
rust-cpython build None 5 months ago
derrick build None 5 months ago
aterm build None 5 months ago
glibd build None 5 months ago
rust-anyhow build None 5 months ago
rust-nu-system build None 5 months ago
dqlite build None 5 months ago
python-rtmidi build None 5 months ago
python-contextualbandits build None 5 months ago
python-scrapy build None 5 months ago
pyzy build None 5 months ago
php-punic build None 5 months ago
php-pimple build None 5 months ago
gupnp-av build None 5 months ago
hicolor-icon-theme build None 5 months ago
java-dirq build None 5 months ago
php-deepdiver-zipstreamer build None 5 months ago
libdatachannel build None 5 months ago
python-f5-icontrol-rest build None 5 months ago
php-ircmaxell-random-lib build None 5 months ago
php-phpseclib build None 5 months ago
xlsfonts build None 5 months ago
boinc-tui build None 5 months ago
php-interfasys-lognormalizer build None 5 months ago
jctools build None 5 months ago
bfast build None 5 months ago
jed build None 5 months ago
php-Faker build None 5 months ago
pesign-test-app build None 5 months ago
galera build None 5 months ago
botan build None 5 months ago
pygsl build None 5 months ago
xkeycaps build None 5 months ago
python-SecretStorage build None 5 months ago
CuraEngine build None 5 months ago
valkyrie build None 5 months ago
toppler build None 5 months ago
maatkit build None 5 months ago
python-Mastodon build None 5 months ago
rubygem-mysql2 build None 5 months ago
directory-maven-plugin build None 5 months ago
ebnetd build None 5 months ago
aalib build None 5 months ago
php-ircmaxell-security-lib build None 5 months ago
jackson-core build None 5 months ago
raptor build None 5 months ago
libunwind build None 5 months ago
eterm build None 5 months ago
dnf build None 5 months ago
RediSearch build None 5 months ago
deepin-wayland-protocols build None 5 months ago
bcachefs-tools build None 5 months ago
php-scssphp build None 5 months ago
rust-libheif-rs build None 5 months ago
trousers build None 5 months ago
afflib build None 5 months ago
minetestmapper build None 5 months ago
echolinux build None 5 months ago
parserng build None 5 months ago
jack-example-tools build None 5 months ago
php-doctrine-annotations build None 5 months ago
php-stecman-symfony-console-completion build None 5 months ago
rust-zstd-safe build None 5 months ago
python-tw2-forms build None 5 months ago
sofia-sip build None 5 months ago
tar build None 5 months ago
afpfs-ng build None 5 months ago
mod_suphp build None 5 months ago
enchant build None 5 months ago
php-endroid-qrcode build None 5 months ago
sdbus-cpp build None 5 months ago
truth build None 5 months ago
rust-piper build None 5 months ago
rust-uu_dd build None 5 months ago
jackson-jaxrs-providers build None 5 months ago
erlang-proper build None 5 months ago
php-doctrine-cache build None 5 months ago
erlang-pkix build None 5 months ago
erlang-p1_utils build None 5 months ago
python-jnius build None 5 months ago
php-doctrine-dbal build None 5 months ago
DevIL build None 5 months ago
erlang-lager build None 5 months ago
jackson-databind build None 5 months ago
erlang-p1_pgsql build None 5 months ago
erlang-p1_mysql build None 5 months ago
php-doctrine-datafixtures build None 5 months ago
serdisplib build None 5 months ago
clamsmtp build None 5 months ago
openstack-java-sdk build None 5 months ago
gupnp build None 5 months ago
mod_qos build None 5 months ago
gmediarender build None 5 months ago
erlang-p1_oauth2 build None 5 months ago
c-icap-modules build None 5 months ago
erlang-mochiweb build None 5 months ago
seqan3 build None 5 months ago
php-doctrine-persistence3 build None 5 months ago
gimp-separate+ build None 5 months ago
erlang-sext build None 5 months ago
ofono build None 5 months ago
nas build None 5 months ago
gnurobots build None 5 months ago
dictd build None 5 months ago
perl-Command-Runner build None 5 months ago
ursa-major build None 5 months ago
libtpcmisc build None 5 months ago
php-doctrine-persistence2 build None 5 months ago
perl-Growl-GNTP build None 5 months ago
opencc build None 5 months ago
fcoe-utils build None 5 months ago
osgi-compendium build None 5 months ago
automoc build None 5 months ago
python-usort build None 5 months ago
php-nyholm-psr7 build None 5 months ago
libmodulemd1 build None 5 months ago
goocanvas build None 5 months ago
non-ntk build None 5 months ago
phpunit7 build None 5 months ago
pkcs11-helper build None 5 months ago
jackson-modules-base build None 5 months ago
php-symfony-polyfill build None 5 months ago
libmusicbrainz5 build None 5 months ago
squid build None 5 months ago
asio build None 5 months ago
erlang-hex_core build None 5 months ago
libfishsound build None 5 months ago
perl-Config-Extend-MySQL build None 5 months ago
cbmc build None 5 months ago
mepack build None 5 months ago
plotdrop build None 5 months ago
php-doctrine-orm build None 5 months ago
clonekeen build None 5 months ago
lagrange build None 5 months ago
guile-reader build None 5 months ago
libteam build None 5 months ago
php-symfony-monolog-bundle build None 5 months ago
python-tinyrpc build None 5 months ago
hylafax+ build None 5 months ago
deutex build None 5 months ago
perl-Crypt-CBC build None 5 months ago
freemarker build None 5 months ago
telepathy-gabble build None 5 months ago
erlang-fuse build None 5 months ago
distro-info build None 5 months ago
xu4 build None 5 months ago
perl-HTML-TagCloud build None 5 months ago
apt-cacher-ng build None 5 months ago
mingw-libgovirt build None 5 months ago
perl-IPC-Shareable build None 5 months ago
tcl-snack build None 5 months ago
jacoco build None 5 months ago
perl-Net-SMTP-SSL build None 5 months ago
xorg-x11-drv-armada build None 5 months ago
grantlee build None 5 months ago
MagicPoint build None 5 months ago
mdbtools build None 5 months ago
telepathy-salut build None 5 months ago
smartmontools build None 5 months ago
libcbor build None 5 months ago
swift-lang build None 5 months ago
syslinux build None 5 months ago
loudgain build None 5 months ago
perl-Test-NoBreakpoints build None 5 months ago
mbedtls build None 5 months ago
erlang-webmachine build None 5 months ago
perl-URI-FromHash build None 5 months ago
pocl build None 5 months ago
chromaprint build None 5 months ago
ispc build None 5 months ago
perl-SQL-Abstract-Pg build None 5 months ago
libaccounts-glib build None 5 months ago
jimtcl build None 5 months ago
volume_key build None 5 months ago
metslib build None 5 months ago
passim build None 5 months ago
libgsystem build None 5 months ago
rust-clippy-sarif build None 5 months ago
emacs-common-tuareg build None 5 months ago
openxr build None 5 months ago
pavumeter build None 5 months ago
wdt build None 5 months ago
rust-gix-ref build None 5 months ago
lttng-tools build None 5 months ago
ghdl build None 5 months ago
maven-archetype build None 5 months ago
testdisk build None 5 months ago
ncid build None 5 months ago
perl-Test-Stream build None 5 months ago
cloc build None 5 months ago
gtk+extra build None 5 months ago
lensfun build None 5 months ago
mediawriter build None 5 months ago
prboom build None 5 months ago
perl-String-Errf build None 5 months ago
libfreehand build None 5 months ago
Mayavi build None 5 months ago
python-pygraphviz build None 5 months ago
wlr-sunclock build None 5 months ago
PyQt4 build None 5 months ago
globus-gram-client build None 5 months ago
kexec-tools build None 5 months ago
openssl-pkcs11 build None 5 months ago
pdfbox build None 5 months ago
perl-Spreadsheet-ParseExcel-Simple build None 5 months ago
glusterfs build None 5 months ago
rocprim build None 5 months ago
polkit build None 5 months ago
quicksynergy build None 5 months ago
setBfree build None 5 months ago
python-nbsphinx build None 5 months ago
minidlna build None 5 months ago
perl-Test-Class build None 5 months ago
gpscorrelate build None 5 months ago
lxqt-sudo build None 5 months ago
rust-tungstenite build None 5 months ago
qmidiarp build None 5 months ago
rep-gtk build None 5 months ago
perl-POE-Loop-Event build None 5 months ago
opendnssec build None 5 months ago
wlroots0.15 build None 5 months ago
phasex build None 5 months ago
python-giacpy build None 5 months ago
perl-Time-Tiny build None 5 months ago
aubio build None 5 months ago
python-astropy build None 5 months ago
kdiagram build None 5 months ago
cfdg-fe build None 5 months ago
rubygem-railties build None 5 months ago
hyperrogue build None 5 months ago
globus-io build None 5 months ago
mcrouter build None 5 months ago
perl-CPAN-Changes build None 5 months ago
perl-Perl-Critic-Dynamic build None 5 months ago
telepathy-logger build None 5 months ago
perl-XML-TreeBuilder build None 5 months ago
nogravity build None 5 months ago
ganglia build None 5 months ago
notekit build None 5 months ago
klamav build None 5 months ago
goocanvas2 build None 5 months ago
libratbag build None 5 months ago
smartsim build None 5 months ago
slashem build None 5 months ago
wayfire build None 5 months ago
xorg-x11-xdm build None 5 months ago
pcb-rnd build None 5 months ago
nethack-vultures build None 5 months ago
gftp build None 5 months ago
rust-gsk4-sys build None 5 months ago
libunicap build None 5 months ago
deepin-menu build None 5 months ago
glob2 build None 5 months ago
kproperty build None 5 months ago
libftdi build None 5 months ago
signon-ui build None 5 months ago
tuxpaint build None 5 months ago
gtksourceview3 build None 5 months ago
foobillard build None 5 months ago
tuxmath build None 5 months ago
signon-plugin-oauth2 build None 5 months ago
gummi build None 5 months ago
kdb build None 5 months ago
sigul build None 5 months ago
golly build None 5 months ago
prboom-plus build None 5 months ago
ibus-handwrite build None 5 months ago
vte build None 5 months ago
librepo build None 5 months ago
phonon-qt4 build None 5 months ago
jaero build None 5 months ago
python-nikola build None 5 months ago
openlierox build None 5 months ago
agenda build None 5 months ago
qca build None 5 months ago
classified-ads build None 5 months ago
zynaddsubfx build None 5 months ago
ufw-kde build None 5 months ago
megapixels build None 5 months ago
python-img2pdf build None 5 months ago
pdfmixtool build None 5 months ago
vdrift build None 5 months ago
cataclysm-dda build None 5 months ago
petpvc build None 5 months ago
squeak-vm build None 5 months ago
elixir build None 5 months ago
soprano build None 5 months ago
t4k_common build None 5 months ago
libgpod build None 5 months ago
sawfish build None 5 months ago
perl-TAP-Formatter-JUnit build None 5 months ago
warzone2100 build None 5 months ago
libtimezonemap build None 5 months ago
phonon-qt4-backend-gstreamer build None 5 months ago
opendbx build None 5 months ago
dia build None 5 months ago
copr-frontend build None 5 months ago
geany build None 5 months ago
ovn build None 5 months ago
vacuum-im build None 5 months ago
gq build None 5 months ago
bes build None 5 months ago
pdns-recursor build None 5 months ago
phonon-backend-gstreamer build None 5 months ago
compiz-plugins-experimental build None 5 months ago
minetest build None 5 months ago
unity-gtk-module build None 5 months ago
mp build None 5 months ago
perl-DBIx-Class-OptimisticLocking build None 5 months ago
NetworkManager-iodine build None 5 months ago
NetworkManager-ssh build None 5 months ago
libgdl build None 5 months ago
smoldyn build None 5 months ago
perl-Test2-Harness build None 5 months ago
xfmpc build None 5 months ago
libunicapgtk build None 5 months ago
dtkgui build None 5 months ago
python-qcustomplot-pyqt build None 5 months ago
gedit-latex build None 5 months ago
gtkhtml3 build None 5 months ago
nutty build None 5 months ago
scidavis build None 5 months ago
xfce4-notes-plugin build None 5 months ago
soundconverter build None 5 months ago
gtkmm4.0 build None 5 months ago
compiz-plugins-main build None 5 months ago
libshumate build None 5 months ago
liblouisutdml build None 5 months ago
moserial build None 5 months ago
openvswitch build None 5 months ago
wdune build None 5 months ago
rawstudio build None 5 months ago
synapse build None 5 months ago
alizams build None 5 months ago
logjam build None 5 months ago
compiz-plugins-extra build None 5 months ago
xrootd build None 5 months ago
tuxguitar build None 5 months ago
python2.7 build None 5 months ago
python-mapnik build None 5 months ago
NetworkManager-vpnc build None 5 months ago
krdp build None 5 months ago
octave-odepkg build None 5 months ago
gcin build None 5 months ago
openjfx8 build None 5 months ago
kcm_systemd build None 5 months ago
molsketch build None 5 months ago
libbonoboui build None 5 months ago
kf5-libkcddb build None 5 months ago
cawbird build None 5 months ago
python-pynn build None 5 months ago
scummvm build None 5 months ago
marker build None 5 months ago
radiotray-ng build None 5 months ago
kmousetool build None 5 months ago
psi-plus build None 5 months ago
gnome-translate build None 5 months ago
fcitx5-gtk build None 5 months ago
caribou build None 5 months ago
devscripts build None 5 months ago
perl-Devel-REPL build None 5 months ago
xmlcopyeditor build None 5 months ago
qimgv build None 5 months ago
boinc-client build None 5 months ago
deepin-system-monitor build None 5 months ago
Io-language build None 5 months ago
kde-l10n build None 5 months ago
k4dirstat build None 5 months ago
uucp build None 5 months ago
filezilla build None 5 months ago
guvcview build None 5 months ago
nordugrid-arc build None 5 months ago
libzypp build None 5 months ago
compiz build None 5 months ago
festival build None 5 months ago
spice-gtk build None 5 months ago
s390utils build None 5 months ago
cmake build None 5 months ago
brasero build None 5 months ago
kfourinline build None 5 months ago
gtkpod build None 5 months ago
gnome-rdp build None 5 months ago
wxGTK build None 5 months ago
atril build None 5 months ago
notmuch build None 5 months ago
dolphin-emu build None 5 months ago
knetwalk build None 5 months ago
kid3 build None 5 months ago
krdc build None 5 months ago
lokalize build None 5 months ago
vinagre build None 5 months ago
perl-Config-Model-TkUI build None 5 months ago
rocm-smi build None 5 months ago
kommit build None 5 months ago
lightly build None 5 months ago
InsightToolkit build None 5 months ago
kf5-akonadi-mime build None 5 months ago
sympa build None 5 months ago
anjuta build None 5 months ago
openclonk build None 5 months ago
rust-rbspy build None 5 months ago
deepin-file-manager build None 5 months ago
libgda5 build None 5 months ago
libcaca build None 5 months ago
kf5-kmailtransport build None 5 months ago
opencascade build None 5 months ago
abiword build None 5 months ago
phosh build None 5 months ago
gtk-doc build None 5 months ago
efl build None 5 months ago
syncevolution build None 5 months ago
libopenshot build None 5 months ago
chatty build None 5 months ago
remmina build None 5 months ago
budgie-control-center build None 5 months ago
opentoonz build None 5 months ago
darktable build None 5 months ago
obs-cef build None 5 months ago
trademgen build None 5 months ago
gecode build None 5 months ago
mlt build None 5 months ago
perl-Catalyst-Model-DBIC-Schema build None 5 months ago
simspark build None 5 months ago
bind build None 5 months ago
torque build None 5 months ago
giac build None 5 months ago
glycin-loaders build None 5 months ago
openms build None 5 months ago
Singular build None 5 months ago
vlc build None 5 months ago
digikam build None 5 months ago
Macaulay2 build None 5 months ago
player build None 5 months ago
uudeview build None 5 months ago
python-mpmath build None 5 months ago


This page shows packages in Fedora 40 which buildability was possibly affected by zip upgrade from 3.0-39.fc40 to 3.0-40.fc40.
Please keep in mind that there were many other dependency changes happening in parallel that could have caused any particular failure.