Affected packages

Packages affected by libicu upgrade from 74.1-1.fc40 to 74.2-1.fc40 (in Fedora Rawhide)
Package Current state Build Distance Build time
perl-DBD-Firebird build 2 5 months ago
mozjs115 build 2 5 months ago
mozjs102 build 2 5 months ago
bes build 2 5 months ago
postgresql15 build 2 5 months ago
qtwebkit build 2 5 months ago
deepin-system-monitor build 2 5 months ago
seamonkey build 2 5 months ago
gaupol build 2 5 months ago
qt5-qtwebkit build 2 5 months ago
R-hexbin build 2 5 months ago
R-BiocGenerics build 2 5 months ago
R-labeling build 2 5 months ago
R-xfun build 2 5 months ago
R-timeDate build 2 5 months ago
R-ascii build 2 5 months ago
R-R.utils build 2 5 months ago
R-Bessel build 2 5 months ago
R-miniUI build 2 5 months ago
R-bench build 2 5 months ago
R-sfsmisc build 2 5 months ago
R-servr build 2 5 months ago
R-RMariaDB build 2 5 months ago
R-formattable build 2 5 months ago
R-tidyr build 2 5 months ago
R-blob build 2 5 months ago
calibre build 2 5 months ago
filezilla build 2 5 months ago
deepin-file-manager build 2 5 months ago
qt6-qtwebengine build 2 5 months ago
v8-314 build 2 5 months ago
python-testing.postgresql build 2 5 months ago
libecpg build 2 5 months ago
php-Faker build 2 5 months ago
php-symfony-polyfill build 2 5 months ago
swift-lang build 2 5 months ago
ncid build 2 5 months ago
libfreehand build 2 5 months ago
geany-plugins build 3 5 months ago
ghc-gi-harfbuzz build 3 5 months ago
speedtest build 3 5 months ago
soprano build 3 5 months ago
megapixels build 3 5 months ago
psi-plus build 3 5 months ago
brasero build 3 5 months ago
fcitx5-gtk build 3 5 months ago
k4dirstat build 3 5 months ago
warzone2100 build 3 5 months ago
deepin-kwin build 3 5 months ago
libshumate build 3 5 months ago
hedgewars build 3 5 months ago
molsketch build 3 5 months ago
kcm_systemd build 3 5 months ago
kde-l10n build 3 5 months ago
gcin build 3 5 months ago
marker build 3 5 months ago
vinagre build 3 5 months ago
applet-window-buttons build 3 5 months ago
kreport build 3 5 months ago
tiled build 3 5 months ago
kid3 build 3 5 months ago
pypy build 3 5 months ago
pypy3.10 build 3 5 months ago
pypy3.9 build 3 5 months ago
nheko build 3 5 months ago
fractal build 3 5 months ago
kommit build 3 5 months ago
dolphin-emu build 3 5 months ago
vsomeip3 build 3 5 months ago
wxGTK build 3 5 months ago
R-RM2 build 3 5 months ago
R-sass build 3 5 months ago
R-sourcetools build 3 5 months ago
R-oskeyring build 3 5 months ago
liborcus build 3 5 months ago
tinygo build 3 5 months ago
python-music21 build 3 5 months ago
kf5-purpose build 3 5 months ago
gnome-calendar build 3 5 months ago
R-jose build 3 5 months ago
glob2 build 3 5 months ago
cantata build 3 5 months ago
bijiben build 3 5 months ago
R-gert build 3 5 months ago
kopete build 3 5 months ago
plasma-bigscreen build 3 5 months ago
smoldyn build 3 5 months ago
almanah build 3 5 months ago
flamerobin build 3 5 months ago
csound build 3 5 months ago
kf5-akonadi-notes build 3 5 months ago
libdxflib build 3 5 months ago
vdrift build 3 5 months ago
gimp build 3 5 months ago
phosh build 3 5 months ago
nest build 3 5 months ago
systemtap build 3 5 months ago
asc build 3 5 months ago
vakzination build 3 5 months ago
kf5-kmailtransport build 3 5 months ago
remmina build 3 5 months ago
uwsgi build 3 5 months ago
libzypp build 3 5 months ago
mathgl build 3 5 months ago
maxima build 3 5 months ago
obs-cef build 3 5 months ago
paraview build 3 5 months ago
gecode build 3 5 months ago
Macaulay2 build 3 5 months ago
openms build 3 5 months ago
simspark build 3 5 months ago
flickcurl build 3 5 months ago
Singular build 3 5 months ago
postgresql-odbc build 3 5 months ago
vtk build 3 5 months ago
asymptote build 3 5 months ago
python-psycopg3 build 3 5 months ago
blender build 3 5 months ago
opentoonz build 3 5 months ago
galera build 3 5 months ago
botan build 3 5 months ago
CuraEngine build 3 5 months ago
mlt build 3 5 months ago
player build 3 5 months ago
asio build 3 5 months ago
lagrange build 3 5 months ago
apt-cacher-ng build 3 5 months ago
python-peewee build 3 5 months ago
metslib build 3 5 months ago
wdt build 3 5 months ago
hpx build 3 5 months ago
java-1.8.0-openjdk-portable build 4 5 days ago
java-1.8.0-openjdk-portable build 4 2 months ago
java-1.8.0-openjdk-portable build 4 4 months ago
ghc-gi-pango build 4 5 months ago
goocanvas2 build 4 5 months ago
ghc-gtk3 build 4 5 months ago
gdm build 4 5 months ago
gtksourceview3 build 4 5 months ago
dia build 4 5 months ago
ghc-gi-gtk build 4 5 months ago
ghc-gi-gdk build 4 5 months ago
moserial build 4 5 months ago
ganglia build 4 5 months ago
icewm build 4 5 months ago
xmedcon build 4 5 months ago
smartsim build 4 5 months ago
wayfire build 4 5 months ago
libgdl build 4 5 months ago
libgxps build 4 5 months ago
openscap build 4 5 months ago
compiz-plugins-main build 4 5 months ago
unity-gtk-module build 4 5 months ago
NetworkManager-ssh build 4 5 months ago
simple-scan build 4 5 months ago
compiz build 4 5 months ago
xfmpc build 4 5 months ago
xfce4-notes-plugin build 4 5 months ago
rrdtool build 4 5 months ago
NetworkManager-iodine build 4 5 months ago
gtkhtml3 build 4 5 months ago
tuxpaint build 4 5 months ago
gedit-latex build 4 5 months ago
java-1.8.0-openjdk-portable build 4 5 months ago
perl-Tk build 4 5 months ago
golly build 4 5 months ago
foobillard build 4 5 months ago
phonon-qt4 build 4 5 months ago
squeak-vm build 4 5 months ago
libffado build 4 5 months ago
scummvm build 4 5 months ago
phonon-qt4-backend-gstreamer build 4 5 months ago
cataclysm-dda build 4 5 months ago
openjfx8 build 4 5 months ago
pspp build 4 5 months ago
denemo build 4 5 months ago
rawstudio build 4 5 months ago
guvcview build 4 5 months ago
gtkpod build 4 5 months ago
mcrouter build 4 5 months ago
python-scikit-image build 4 5 months ago
alizams build 4 5 months ago
gtk-doc build 4 5 months ago
R-udunits2 build 4 5 months ago
mp build 4 5 months ago
graphviz build 4 5 months ago
budgie-control-center build 4 5 months ago
libcaca build 4 5 months ago
python-networkx build 4 5 months ago
InsightToolkit build 4 5 months ago
gdal build 4 5 months ago
opencascade build 4 5 months ago
alfont build 4 5 months ago
libotf build 4 5 months ago
deepin-wayland-protocols build 4 5 months ago
php-doctrine-annotations build 4 5 months ago
php-doctrine-cache build 4 5 months ago
php-doctrine-datafixtures build 4 5 months ago
deutex build 4 5 months ago
python-flexmock build 4 5 months ago
jimtcl build 4 5 months ago
setBfree build 4 5 months ago
java-latest-openjdk-portable build None 5 months ago
gst-devtools build None 5 months ago
ghc-gi-cairo build None 5 months ago
xorg-x11-xdm build None 5 months ago
notekit build None 5 months ago
xfconf build None 5 months ago
ghc-gtk build None 5 months ago
gummi build None 5 months ago
gftp build None 5 months ago
sawfish build None 5 months ago
libbonoboui build None 5 months ago
zynaddsubfx build None 5 months ago
klamav build None 5 months ago
gq build None 5 months ago
compiz-plugins-extra build None 5 months ago
gnumeric build None 5 months ago
compiz-plugins-experimental build None 5 months ago
pcb-rnd build None 5 months ago
logjam build None 5 months ago
tuxmath build None 5 months ago
java-latest-openjdk-portable build None 5 months ago
uucp build None 5 months ago
petpvc build None 5 months ago
openlierox build None 5 months ago
Io-language build None 5 months ago
python3.11 build None 5 months ago
python-deap build None 5 months ago
netgen-mesher build None 5 months ago
python-sklearn-genetic build None 5 months ago
python-gcsfs build None 5 months ago
python-fastavro build None 5 months ago
python-probeinterface build None 5 months ago
python-opentelemetry-contrib build None 5 months ago
uudeview build None 5 months ago
libguestfs build None 5 months ago
blt build None 5 months ago
hfsutils build None 5 months ago
tcl-trf build None 5 months ago
xbae build None 5 months ago
valkyrie build None 5 months ago
toppler build None 5 months ago
eterm build None 5 months ago
minetestmapper build None 5 months ago
erlang-proper build None 5 months ago
erlang-pkix build None 5 months ago
erlang-p1_utils build None 5 months ago
DevIL build None 5 months ago
erlang-lager build None 5 months ago
erlang-p1_pgsql build None 5 months ago
erlang-p1_mysql build None 5 months ago
serdisplib build None 5 months ago
erlang-p1_oauth2 build None 5 months ago
erlang-mochiweb build None 5 months ago
seqan3 build None 5 months ago
gimp-separate+ build None 5 months ago
erlang-sext build None 5 months ago
gnurobots build None 5 months ago
automoc build None 5 months ago
goocanvas build None 5 months ago
non-ntk build None 5 months ago
erlang-hex_core build None 5 months ago
plotdrop build None 5 months ago
clonekeen build None 5 months ago
nginx-mod-modsecurity build None 5 months ago
erlang-fuse build None 5 months ago
tcl-snack build None 5 months ago
xorg-x11-drv-armada build None 5 months ago
grantlee build None 5 months ago
MagicPoint build None 5 months ago
erlang-webmachine build None 5 months ago
pavumeter build None 5 months ago
gtk+extra build None 5 months ago
wlr-sunclock build None 5 months ago
PyQt4 build None 5 months ago
quicksynergy build None 5 months ago
gpscorrelate build None 5 months ago
rep-gtk build None 5 months ago
phasex build None 5 months ago
python-giacpy build None 5 months ago
cfdg-fe build None 5 months ago


This page shows packages in Fedora Rawhide which buildability was possibly affected by libicu upgrade from 74.1-1.fc40 to 74.2-1.fc40.
Please keep in mind that there were many other dependency changes happening in parallel that could have caused any particular failure.