Affected packages

Packages affected by perl-URI upgrade from 5.27-1.fc40 to 5.28-1.fc40 (in Fedora 40)
Package Current state Build Distance Build time
libunicapgtk build 2 3 months ago
libunicap build 2 3 months ago
gnome-translate build 2 3 months ago
libgdl build 2 3 months ago
gq build 2 3 months ago
openscap build 2 3 months ago
libgda5 build 2 3 months ago
blender build 2 3 months ago
perl-TAP-Formatter-JUnit build 3 2 months ago
mingw-libgovirt build 3 3 months ago
cataclysm-dda build 3 3 months ago
mingw-gtksourceview3 build 3 3 months ago
gedit-latex build 3 3 months ago
xmlcopyeditor build 3 3 months ago
mingw-libsoup build 3 3 months ago
gtkhtml3 build 3 3 months ago
k4dirstat build 3 3 months ago
libkkc build 3 3 months ago
libbonoboui build 3 3 months ago
mingw-libzip build 3 3 months ago
mingw-GConf2 build 3 3 months ago
gummi build 3 3 months ago
lordsawar build 3 3 months ago
telepathy-logger build 3 3 months ago
xfmpc build 3 3 months ago
kde-l10n build 3 3 months ago
xfce4-notes-plugin build 3 3 months ago
proxysql build 3 3 months ago
marker build 3 3 months ago
geany-plugins build 3 3 months ago
pulseaudio build 3 3 months ago
remmina build 3 3 months ago
gimp build 3 3 months ago
ceph build 3 3 months ago
vinagre build 3 3 months ago
icecat build 3 3 months ago
opendbx build 4 3 months ago
deepin-file-manager build 4 3 months ago
clang build None 2 months ago
perl-String-Errf build None 2 months ago
perl-String-License build None 2 months ago
mingw-fcgi build None 2 months ago
mingw-termcap build None 2 months ago
sbsigntools build None 2 months ago
pesign-test-app build None 2 months ago
mingw-curl build None 2 months ago
mingw-portaudio build None 2 months ago
derrick build None 2 months ago
golang-github-cockroachdb-pebble build None 2 months ago
hdf5 build None 2 months ago
golang-k8s-pod-security-admission build None 2 months ago
golang-sigs-k8s-apiserver-network-proxy build None 2 months ago
ghdl build None 2 months ago
mingw-postgresql build None 2 months ago
raddump build None 2 months ago
unicornscan build None 2 months ago
garmintools build None 2 months ago
mingw-libgamerzilla build None 2 months ago
hpx build None 2 months ago
golang-github-googlecloudplatform-guest-logging build None 2 months ago
bfast build None 2 months ago
golang-github-deepmap-oapi-codegen build None 2 months ago
golang-github-quic build None 2 months ago
golang-entgo-ent build None 2 months ago
golang-github-acme-lego build None 2 months ago
golang-github-prometheus-alertmanager build None 2 months ago
eb build None 2 months ago
golang-google-api build None 3 months ago
grpcurl build None 3 months ago
golang-k8s-sample-apiserver build None 3 months ago
golang-k8s-kube-aggregator build None 3 months ago
golang-opentelemetry-otel build None 3 months ago
golang-opentelemetry-contrib build None 3 months ago
golang-sigs-k8s-aws-iam-authenticator build None 3 months ago
golang-k8s-apiextensions-apiserver build None 3 months ago
golang-opentelemetry-otel-0.20 build None 3 months ago
golang-github-apache-arrow build None 3 months ago
golang-gocloud build None 3 months ago
golang-k8s-apiserver build None 3 months ago
golang-google-grpc build None 3 months ago
golang-github-google-trillian build None 3 months ago
golang-k8s-component-base build None 3 months ago
mingw-gdbm build None 3 months ago
golang-gvisor build None 3 months ago
xedit build None 3 months ago
afpfs-ng build None 3 months ago
golang-contrib-opencensus-exporter-stackdriver build None 3 months ago
jack_capture build None 3 months ago
jed build None 3 months ago
golang-oras build None 3 months ago
capstone build None 3 months ago
libvma build None 3 months ago
etcd build None 3 months ago
mingw-p11-kit build None 3 months ago
golang-github-prometheus build None 3 months ago
mingw-portablexdr build None 3 months ago
netresolve build None 3 months ago
mingw-qwt build None 3 months ago
php-nyholm-psr7 build None 3 months ago
python-tinyrpc build None 3 months ago
perl-PDF-Haru build None 3 months ago
clonekeen build None 3 months ago
guile-reader build None 3 months ago
m2crypto build None 3 months ago
bindfs build None 3 months ago
scorep build None 3 months ago
mingw-quazip build None 3 months ago
mingw-adwaita-qt build None 3 months ago
qtwebkit build None 3 months ago
jaero build None 3 months ago
gromacs build None 3 months ago
build2 build None 3 months ago
perl-Crypt-U2F-Server build None 3 months ago
efitools build None 3 months ago
klamav build None 3 months ago
subunit build None 3 months ago
php-email-address-validation build None 3 months ago
dqlite build None 3 months ago
php-mikealmond-musicbrainz build None 3 months ago
hyperrogue build None 3 months ago
libgee06 build None 3 months ago
php-doctrine-orm build None 3 months ago
python-qcustomplot-pyqt build None 3 months ago
python-ZConfig build None 3 months ago
link-grammar build None 3 months ago
mingw-libftdi build None 3 months ago
pygsl build None 3 months ago
php-egulias-email-validator build None 3 months ago
php-cache-adapter-common build None 3 months ago
php-cache-filesystem-adapter build None 3 months ago
goocanvas2 build None 3 months ago
mingw-mediawriter build None 3 months ago
kokkos build None 3 months ago
mingw-libtheora build None 3 months ago
php-phpdocumentor-type-resolver build None 3 months ago
php-scssphp build None 3 months ago
mingw-wpcap build None 3 months ago
amg4psblas build None 3 months ago
protobuf build None 3 months ago
kproperty build None 3 months ago
libskk build None 3 months ago
ubertooth build None 3 months ago
libdatrie build None 3 months ago
golang-github-docker build None 3 months ago
openriichi build None 3 months ago
enchant build None 3 months ago
php-pimple build None 3 months ago
scsi-target-utils build None 3 months ago
php-aws-php-sns-message-validator build None 3 months ago
tuxguitar build None 3 months ago
unity-gtk-module build None 3 months ago
php-fig-link-util build None 3 months ago
gtk+extra build None 3 months ago
perl-Gnome2-VFS build None 3 months ago
rubygem-railties build None 3 months ago
git-cinnabar build None 3 months ago
mod_qos build None 3 months ago
php-phpdocumentor-reflection-docblock build None 3 months ago
python-xmlsec build None 3 months ago
php-phpdocumentor-reflection-docblock2 build None 3 months ago
genders build None 3 months ago
php-phpdocumentor-reflection-common build None 3 months ago
rebase-helper build None 3 months ago
erlang-webmachine build None 3 months ago
kcm_systemd build None 3 months ago
php-kukulich-fshl build None 3 months ago
ruby build None 3 months ago
boinc-tui build None 3 months ago
ebnetd build None 3 months ago
php-doctrine-persistence3 build None 3 months ago
php-doctrine-persistence2 build None 3 months ago
php-erusev-parsedown build None 3 months ago
telepathy-salut build None 3 months ago
openlierox build None 3 months ago
MagicPoint build None 3 months ago
mingw-gstreamer1-plugins-base build None 3 months ago
mod_suphp build None 3 months ago
gupnp-av build None 3 months ago
php-phpseclib build None 3 months ago
elementary-notifications build None 3 months ago
php-symfony-polyfill build None 3 months ago
php-doctrine-annotations build None 3 months ago
php-symfony-monolog-bundle build None 3 months ago
php-doctrine-datafixtures build None 3 months ago
php-doctrine-cache build None 3 months ago
php-ircmaxell-random-lib build None 3 months ago
mdbtools build None 3 months ago
php-stecman-symfony-console-completion build None 3 months ago
php-doctrine-dbal build None 3 months ago
kreport build None 3 months ago
octave-odepkg build None 3 months ago
mingw-boost build None 3 months ago
php-sentry build None 3 months ago
gtksourceview3 build None 3 months ago
deepin-kwin build None 3 months ago
afflib build None 3 months ago
php-deepdiver-zipstreamer build None 3 months ago
python-niaaml build None 3 months ago
php-paragonie-random-compat build None 3 months ago
lightly build None 3 months ago
ghc-gi-gtk build None 3 months ago
gamerzillagobj build None 3 months ago
shapelib build None 3 months ago
php-interfasys-lognormalizer build None 3 months ago
phonon-qt4-backend-gstreamer build None 3 months ago
vakzination build None 3 months ago
perl-Gtk2 build None 3 months ago
applet-window-buttons build None 3 months ago
phonon-backend-gstreamer build None 3 months ago
libgovirt build None 3 months ago
lttng-tools build None 3 months ago
echolinux build None 3 months ago
libgsystem build None 3 months ago
mingw-wine-gecko build None 3 months ago
msitools build None 3 months ago
libmemcached-awesome build None 3 months ago
coreutils build None 3 months ago
gecode build None 3 months ago
php-punic build None 3 months ago
warzone2100 build None 3 months ago
mingw-gtk3 build None 3 months ago
gawk build None 3 months ago
hedgewars build None 3 months ago
squid build None 3 months ago
mingw-qt5-qtwebkit build None 3 months ago
libfishsound build None 3 months ago
netgen-mesher build None 3 months ago
clamsmtp build None 3 months ago
java-1.8.0-openjdk-portable build None 3 months ago
phonon-qt4 build None 3 months ago
xu4 build None 3 months ago
gmediarender build None 3 months ago
nogravity build None 3 months ago
php-endroid-qrcode build None 3 months ago
tiled build None 3 months ago
libspatialite build None 3 months ago
php-Faker build None 3 months ago
mingw-libgusb build None 3 months ago
libmodulemd1 build None 3 months ago
mat2 build None 3 months ago
xorg-x11-xdm build None 3 months ago
varnish build None 3 months ago
qxmledit build None 3 months ago
fatcat build None 3 months ago
alure build None 3 months ago
gdal build None 3 months ago
libaccounts-glib build None 3 months ago
wsjtx build None 3 months ago
mingw-gstreamer1-plugins-bad-free build None 3 months ago
gcin build None 3 months ago
phasex build None 3 months ago
scummvm build None 3 months ago
xorg-x11-drv-armada build None 3 months ago
uucp build None 3 months ago
vacuum-im build None 3 months ago
openclonk build None 3 months ago
python-pypet build None 3 months ago
swift-lang build None 3 months ago
contour-terminal build None 3 months ago
mingw-poppler build None 3 months ago
audacity build None 3 months ago
libprelude build None 3 months ago
rawstudio build None 3 months ago
nfdump build None 3 months ago
insight build None 3 months ago
bes build None 3 months ago
ncid build None 3 months ago
mingw-gtk2 build None 3 months ago
libtpcmisc build None 3 months ago
uudeview build None 3 months ago
apt-cacher-ng build None 3 months ago
mingw-spice-gtk build None 3 months ago
nethack-vultures build None 3 months ago
libpreludedb build None 3 months ago
libratbag build None 3 months ago
mailman3 build None 3 months ago
thunderbird build None 3 months ago
prelude-manager build None 3 months ago
fragments build None 3 months ago
libbluray build None 3 months ago
ispc build None 3 months ago
libgdata build None 3 months ago
seahorse build None 3 months ago
deepin-system-monitor build None 3 months ago
InsightToolkit build None 3 months ago
soprano build None 3 months ago
libmusicbrainz5 build None 3 months ago
libcomps build None 3 months ago
opencascade build None 3 months ago
asymptote build None 3 months ago
qtspell build None 3 months ago
fractal build None 3 months ago
folks build None 3 months ago
ibus-table build None 3 months ago
GraphicsMagick build None 3 months ago
gala build None 3 months ago
dotnet6.0 build None 3 months ago
elementary-files build None 3 months ago
tilix build None 3 months ago
webkit2gtk4.0 build None 3 months ago
slurm build None 3 months ago
blackbox-terminal build None 3 months ago
vtk build None 3 months ago
ffmpeg build None 3 months ago
gstreamer1-plugins-bad-free build None 3 months ago
dmlite build None 3 months ago
obs-cef build None 3 months ago
sssd build None 3 months ago
librsvg2 build None 3 months ago


This page shows packages in Fedora 40 which buildability was possibly affected by perl-URI upgrade from 5.27-1.fc40 to 5.28-1.fc40.
Please keep in mind that there were many other dependency changes happening in parallel that could have caused any particular failure.