Affected packages

Packages affected by libsecret upgrade from 0.21.3-1.fc41 to 0.21.3-2.fc41 (in Fedora Rawhide)
Package Current state Build Distance Build time
deepin-file-manager build 2 3 months ago
remmina build 2 3 months ago
phosh build 2 3 months ago
seahorse build 2 3 months ago
tilix build 2 3 months ago
vinagre build 2 3 months ago
webkit2gtk4.0 build 2 3 months ago
NetworkManager-iodine build 2 3 months ago
libgda5 build 2 3 months ago
tuxguitar build 3 3 months ago
libgdata build 3 3 months ago
blender build 3 3 months ago
sooperlooper build 3 3 months ago
geany-plugins build 3 3 months ago
golly build 3 3 months ago
audacity build 3 3 months ago
protobuf build 3 3 months ago
marker build 3 3 months ago
gdl build 3 3 months ago
kdepim-runtime build 3 3 months ago
elementary-files build 4 3 months ago
golang-oras build 4 3 months ago
rabbitmq-server build 4 3 months ago
xfce4-notes-plugin build 4 3 months ago
xfmpc build 4 3 months ago
elementary-notifications build 4 3 months ago
erlang-webmachine build None 3 months ago
golang-k8s-kube-aggregator build None 3 months ago
golang-k8s-component-base build None 3 months ago
golang-k8s-sample-apiserver build None 3 months ago
golang-k8s-pod-security-admission build None 3 months ago
golang-k8s-apiextensions-apiserver build None 3 months ago
golang-google-api build None 3 months ago
golang-github-apache-arrow build None 3 months ago
golang-github-moby-swarmkit-2 build None 3 months ago
golang-opentelemetry-otel build None 3 months ago
golang-entgo-ent build None 3 months ago
golang-gvisor build None 3 months ago
golang-contrib-opencensus-exporter-stackdriver build None 3 months ago
golang-github-acme-lego build None 3 months ago
golang-google-grpc build None 3 months ago
golang-github-prometheus build None 3 months ago
golang-github-docker build None 3 months ago
applet-window-buttons build None 3 months ago
golang-sigs-k8s-aws-iam-authenticator build None 3 months ago
golang-github-prometheus-alertmanager build None 3 months ago
golang-github-google-trillian build None 3 months ago
grpcurl build None 3 months ago
golang-gocloud build None 3 months ago
golang-opentelemetry-contrib build None 3 months ago
erlang-gproc build None 3 months ago
erlang-p1_oauth2 build None 3 months ago
erlang-fuse build None 3 months ago
erlang-pkix build None 3 months ago
erlang-sext build None 3 months ago
deepin-kwin build None 3 months ago
kommit build None 3 months ago
erlang-fast_xml build None 3 months ago
golang-github-deepmap-oapi-codegen build None 3 months ago
golang-sigs-k8s-apiserver-network-proxy build None 3 months ago
golang-k8s-apiserver build None 3 months ago
erlang-p1_mysql build None 3 months ago
erlang-p1_utils build None 3 months ago
erlang-proper build None 3 months ago
erlang-lager build None 3 months ago
erlang-hex_core build None 3 months ago
erlang-p1_pgsql build None 3 months ago
erlang-mochiweb build None 3 months ago


This page shows packages in Fedora Rawhide which buildability was possibly affected by libsecret upgrade from 0.21.3-1.fc41 to 0.21.3-2.fc41.
Please keep in mind that there were many other dependency changes happening in parallel that could have caused any particular failure.