Affected packages

Packages affected by golist upgrade from 0.10.4-1.fc40 to 0.10.4-3.fc40 (in Fedora Rawhide)
Package Current state Build Distance Build time
golang-github-pkg-errors build 2 5 months ago
golang-x-arch build 2 5 months ago
golang-github-opendns-vegadns2client build 2 5 months ago
golang-github-aliyun-alibaba-cloud-sdk build 2 5 months ago
golang-github-tdewolff-minify build 2 5 months ago
golang-oras-2 build 2 5 months ago
golang-github-nicksnyder-i18n build 2 5 months ago
golang-github-urfave-cli-2 build 2 5 months ago
golang-gopkg-square-jose-2 build 2 5 months ago
golang-github-smartystreets-goconvey build 2 5 months ago
golang-github-yuin-goldmark build 2 5 months ago
golang-github-tchap-patricia build 2 5 months ago
golang-github-nkovacs-streamquote build 2 5 months ago
golang-github-mrunalp-fileutils build 2 5 months ago
golang-github-djherbis-atime build 2 5 months ago
golang-github-d5-tengo-2 build 2 5 months ago
golang-github-cosiner-argv build 2 5 months ago
golang-github-axgle-mahonia build 2 5 months ago
golang-github-alecthomas-repr build 2 5 months ago
golang-github-jhillyerd-enmime build 2 5 months ago
golang-github-gatherstars-com-jwz build 2 5 months ago
golang-github-djherbis-nio build 2 5 months ago
golang-github-shopify-toxiproxy build 2 5 months ago
golang-x-vuln build 2 5 months ago
golang-github-nbrownus-metrics-prometheus build 2 5 months ago
delve build 2 5 months ago
golang-github-libgit2-git2go build 2 5 months ago
golang-github-wi2l-jettison build 2 5 months ago
golang-github-segmentio-encoding build 2 5 months ago
golang-goftp-server build 2 5 months ago
golang-x-text build 2 5 months ago
golang-github-subosito-gotenv build 2 5 months ago
golang-github-liamg-scout build 2 5 months ago
golang-github-leonelquinteros-gotext build 2 5 months ago
golang-github-mmcloughlin-avo build 2 5 months ago
golang-github-projectdiscovery-stringsutil build 2 5 months ago
podman-tui build 2 5 months ago
godoctor build 2 5 months ago
golang-gotest build 2 5 months ago
golang-gopkg-macaron-1 build 2 5 months ago
golang-honnef-tools build 2 5 months ago
golang-k8s-klog build 2 5 months ago
golang-github-google-go-github build 2 5 months ago
golang-github-gofiber-fiber-2 build 2 5 months ago
golang-x-tools build 2 5 months ago
golang-github-alecthomas-chroma-2 build 2 5 months ago
golang-github-mwitkow-conntrack build 2 5 months ago
golang-github-prometheus-client build 2 5 months ago
golang-github-charmbracelet-glamour build 2 5 months ago
golang-x-exp build 2 5 months ago
open-policy-agent build 2 5 months ago
hcloud build 2 5 months ago
golang-mongodb-mongo-driver build 2 5 months ago
gopass build 2 5 months ago
golang-github-google-flatbuffers build 2 5 months ago
golang-github-quic build 2 5 months ago
antlr4-project build 2 5 months ago
grpcurl build 2 5 months ago
golang-google-api build 2 5 months ago
golang-entgo-ent build 2 5 months ago
golang-github-azure-sdk build 2 5 months ago
golang-opentelemetry-otel-0.20 build 2 5 months ago
google-osconfig-agent build 2 5 months ago
golang-github-deepmap-oapi-codegen build 2 5 months ago
golang-opentelemetry-otel build 2 5 months ago
tinygo build 2 5 months ago
golang-github-apache-arrow build 2 5 months ago
golang-github-docker-libkv build 2 5 months ago
golang-github-cloudflare-cfssl build 2 5 months ago
golang-github-distribution-3 build 2 5 months ago
golang-google-grpc build 2 5 months ago
golang-sigs-k8s-aws-iam-authenticator build 2 5 months ago
golang-oras build 2 5 months ago
golang-github-prometheus-alertmanager build 2 5 months ago
gh build 2 5 months ago
golang-github-google-trillian build 2 5 months ago
golang-contrib-opencensus-exporter-stackdriver build 2 5 months ago
golang-gvisor build 2 5 months ago
golang-opentelemetry-contrib build 2 5 months ago
golang-github-acme-lego build 2 5 months ago
golang-gocloud build 2 5 months ago
hugo build 2 5 months ago
golang-helm-3 build 2 5 months ago
golang-github-prometheus build 2 5 months ago
golang-github-docker build 2 5 months ago


This page shows packages in Fedora Rawhide which buildability was possibly affected by golist upgrade from 0.10.4-1.fc40 to 0.10.4-3.fc40.
Please keep in mind that there were many other dependency changes happening in parallel that could have caused any particular failure.