Affected packages

Packages affected by gettext-common-devel upgrade from 0.22-4.fc40 to 0.22.4-1.fc40 (in Fedora Rawhide)
Package Current state Build Distance Build time
mingw-gdbm build 2 4 months ago
koffice-kivio build 2 4 months ago
audacity build 2 5 months ago
wine build 2 5 months ago
virt-v2v build 2 5 months ago
mdbtools build 2 5 months ago
pspp build 2 5 months ago
rawstudio build 2 5 months ago
guvcview build 2 5 months ago
opendbx build 2 5 months ago
Macaulay2 build 2 5 months ago
gstreamer1-plugins-bad-free build 2 5 months ago
dovecot build 2 5 months ago
gammu build 2 5 months ago
gmime build 2 5 months ago
certmonger build 2 5 months ago
mingw-poppler build 2 5 months ago
gnutls build 2 5 months ago
guile-reader build 2 5 months ago
sssd build 2 5 months ago
telepathy-logger build 3 4 months ago
gummi build 3 4 months ago
dia build 3 4 months ago
libgdl build 3 4 months ago
cataclysm-dda build 3 4 months ago
marker build 3 5 months ago
gtkhtml3 build 3 5 months ago
NetworkManager-ssh build 3 5 months ago
xfce4-notes-plugin build 3 5 months ago
NetworkManager-iodine build 3 5 months ago
gnumeric build 3 5 months ago
vinagre build 3 5 months ago
geany-plugins build 3 5 months ago
mingw-libgovirt build 3 5 months ago
libbonoboui build 3 5 months ago
xfmpc build 3 5 months ago
remmina build 3 5 months ago
mingw-gtksourceview3 build 3 5 months ago
mingw-libsoup build 3 5 months ago
mingw-GConf2 build 3 5 months ago
cinnamon-control-center build 3 5 months ago
gedit-latex build 3 5 months ago


This page shows packages in Fedora Rawhide which buildability was possibly affected by gettext-common-devel upgrade from 0.22-4.fc40 to 0.22.4-1.fc40.
Please keep in mind that there were many other dependency changes happening in parallel that could have caused any particular failure.