Affected packages

Packages affected by unbound-libs upgrade from 1.19.3-6.fc41 to 1.20.0-1.fc41 (in Fedora Rawhide)
Package Current state Build Distance Build time
netresolve build 2 a month ago
prosody build 2 a month ago
openvswitch build 2 2 months ago
libprelude build 3 2 months ago
libpreludedb build 3 2 months ago
prelude-manager build 3 2 months ago
guile-gnutls build 3 2 months ago
proxysql build 3 2 months ago
zabbix build 3 2 months ago
wine build 3 2 months ago
java-1.8.0-openjdk-portable build 4 6 days ago
cups-pdf build 4 a month ago
epson-inkjet-printer-escpr build 4 a month ago
dino build 4 2 months ago
NetworkManager-iodine build 4 2 months ago
libgda5 build 4 2 months ago
remmina build 4 2 months ago
java-1.8.0-openjdk-portable build 4 2 months ago
gnome-control-center build 4 2 months ago
deepin-file-manager build 4 2 months ago
weston build 4 2 months ago
vinagre build 4 2 months ago
seahorse build 4 2 months ago
x2goclient build 4 2 months ago
pinentry build 4 2 months ago
tuba build 4 2 months ago
gtk2 build 4 2 months ago
hplip build 4 2 months ago
pidgin build 4 2 months ago
obs-cef build 4 2 months ago
tilix build 4 2 months ago
golang-k8s-apiextensions-apiserver build None 2 months ago
golang-k8s-sample-apiserver build None 2 months ago
golang-k8s-pod-security-admission build None 2 months ago
golang-k8s-kube-aggregator build None 2 months ago
golang-k8s-apiserver build None 2 months ago
golang-k8s-component-base build None 2 months ago
golang-gvisor build None 2 months ago
golang-sigs-k8s-apiserver-network-proxy build None 2 months ago
golang-oras build None 2 months ago
dtkwm build None 2 months ago
guestfs-tools build None 2 months ago
kf5-ki18n build None 2 months ago
gcin build None 2 months ago
qadwaitadecorations build None 2 months ago
kscreen build None 2 months ago
kscreenlocker build None 2 months ago
qstardict build None 2 months ago
mellowplayer build None 2 months ago
dolphin build None 2 months ago
kglobalacceld build None 2 months ago
powerdevil build None 2 months ago
plasma-oxygen build None 2 months ago
libksysguard build None 2 months ago
kontactinterface build None 2 months ago
kde-cli-tools build None 2 months ago
kf6-kio build None 2 months ago


This page shows packages in Fedora Rawhide which buildability was possibly affected by unbound-libs upgrade from 1.19.3-6.fc41 to 1.20.0-1.fc41.
Please keep in mind that there were many other dependency changes happening in parallel that could have caused any particular failure.