Affected packages

Packages affected by python3-pluggy upgrade from 1.3.0-1.fc40 to 1.3.0-3.fc40 (in Fedora Rawhide)
Package Current state Build Distance Build time
python-hatchling build 1 5 months ago
python-x3dh build 2 2 months ago
python-epc build 2 5 months ago
python-setuptools_scm_git_archive build 2 5 months ago
py-radix build 2 5 months ago
python-pytest-trio build 2 5 months ago
python-pycountry build 2 5 months ago
python-pyclipper build 2 5 months ago
python-anymarkup-core build 2 5 months ago
python-flask-basicauth build 2 5 months ago
python-APScheduler build 2 5 months ago
python-ibm-vpc build 2 5 months ago
python-pytest-asyncio build 2 5 months ago
python-mechanicalsoup build 2 5 months ago
python-multidict build 2 5 months ago
python-sphinx-notfound-page build 2 5 months ago
python-scikit-learn build 2 5 months ago
python-repoze-who build 2 5 months ago
python-sqlalchemy-collectd build 2 5 months ago
python-Bottleneck build 2 5 months ago
python-chaospy build 2 5 months ago
python-nptyping build 2 5 months ago
python-smartcols build 2 5 months ago
python-psycopg3 build 2 5 months ago
python-ujson build 2 5 months ago
python-routes build 2 5 months ago
python-webscrapbook build 2 5 months ago
python-gradunwarp build 2 5 months ago
python-testing.postgresql build 2 5 months ago
python-random2 build 2 5 months ago
python-datrie build 2 5 months ago
python-ufo2ft build 2 5 months ago
python-idna build 2 5 months ago
python-intbitset build 2 5 months ago
python-f5-icontrol-rest build 2 5 months ago
python-versioningit build 2 5 months ago
python-pyproject-hooks build 2 5 months ago
python-uvicorn build 2 5 months ago
python-rapidfuzz build 2 5 months ago
python-cliff build 2 5 months ago
python-pytest-mpi build 2 5 months ago
python-exdir build 2 5 months ago
python-oauthlib build 2 5 months ago
python-zmq build 2 5 months ago
python-extractcode build 2 5 months ago
python-watchdog build 2 5 months ago
python-cbor2 build 2 5 months ago
python-typecode build 2 5 months ago
python-httpx build 2 5 months ago
python-devtools build 2 5 months ago
python-djvulibre build 2 5 months ago
python-jnius build 2 5 months ago
liquidctl build 2 5 months ago
python-pygit2 build 2 5 months ago
ursa-major build 2 5 months ago
python-zarr build 2 5 months ago
python-boutdata build 2 5 months ago
python-elastic-transport build 2 5 months ago
python-tinyrpc build 2 5 months ago
python-hypothesis build 2 5 months ago
python-ratinabox build 2 5 months ago
python-flexmock build 2 5 months ago
h5py build 2 5 months ago
python-ZEO build 2 5 months ago
python-imagecodecs build 2 5 months ago
python-neurom build 2 5 months ago
python-jupyter-console build 2 5 months ago
python-conda-index build 2 5 months ago
python-pingouin build 2 5 months ago
python-nipy build 2 5 months ago
python-mizani build 2 5 months ago
python-oslo-concurrency build 2 5 months ago
python-pygraphviz build 2 5 months ago
python-xbout build 2 5 months ago
python-astropy build 2 5 months ago
python-geopandas build 2 5 months ago
python-libcst build 2 5 months ago
python-nikola build 2 5 months ago
python-img2pdf build 2 5 months ago
python-vitrageclient build 2 5 months ago
copr-frontend build 2 5 months ago
python-lfpy build 2 5 months ago
strongswan build 2 5 months ago
mat2 build 2 5 months ago
python-pynn build 2 5 months ago
nest build 2 5 months ago
asv build 2 5 months ago
notmuch build 2 5 months ago
python-music21 build 2 5 months ago
python-cvxopt build 2 5 months ago
gdal build 2 5 months ago
python-mplcairo build 2 5 months ago
openms build 2 5 months ago
python-mpmath build 2 5 months ago
python-Mastodon build 3 5 months ago


This page shows packages in Fedora Rawhide which buildability was possibly affected by python3-pluggy upgrade from 1.3.0-1.fc40 to 1.3.0-3.fc40.
Please keep in mind that there were many other dependency changes happening in parallel that could have caused any particular failure.