Affected packages

Packages affected by perl-HTML-Parser upgrade from 3.81-3.fc39 to 3.81-5.fc40 (in Fedora 40)
Package Current state Build Distance Build time
spamassassin build 1 5 months ago
sympa build 1 5 months ago
rt build 1 5 months ago
perl-Perl-Critic-Dynamic build 2 5 months ago
perl-XML-TreeBuilder build 2 5 months ago
perl-Test2-Harness build 2 5 months ago
devscripts build 2 5 months ago
perl-Config-Model-TkUI build 2 5 months ago
nagios build 2 5 months ago
perl-Catalyst-Model-DBIC-Schema build 2 5 months ago
libunicap build 3 5 months ago
geany build 3 5 months ago
gq build 3 5 months ago
compiz-plugins-experimental build 3 5 months ago
libgdl build 3 5 months ago
libunicapgtk build 3 5 months ago
compiz-plugins-main build 3 5 months ago
moserial build 3 5 months ago
compiz-plugins-extra build 3 5 months ago
gnome-translate build 3 5 months ago
perl-Devel-REPL build 3 5 months ago
openscap build 3 5 months ago
gtkpod build 3 5 months ago
gnome-rdp build 3 5 months ago
anjuta build 3 5 months ago
libgda5 build 3 5 months ago
geany-plugins build 4 5 months ago
mingw-libgovirt build 4 5 months ago
kexec-tools build 4 5 months ago
perl-Spreadsheet-ParseExcel-Simple build 4 5 months ago
telepathy-logger build 4 5 months ago
gummi build 4 5 months ago
vte build 4 5 months ago
perl-Function-Parameters build 4 5 months ago
cataclysm-dda build 4 5 months ago
libgpod build 4 5 months ago
perl-TAP-Formatter-JUnit build 4 5 months ago
opendbx build 4 5 months ago
dia build 4 5 months ago
perl-DBIx-Class-OptimisticLocking build 4 5 months ago
NetworkManager-iodine build 4 5 months ago
NetworkManager-ssh build 4 5 months ago
xfmpc build 4 5 months ago
gedit-latex build 4 5 months ago
gtkhtml3 build 4 5 months ago
nutty build 4 5 months ago
xfce4-notes-plugin build 4 5 months ago
soundconverter build 4 5 months ago
gtkmm4.0 build 4 5 months ago
synapse build 4 5 months ago
logjam build 4 5 months ago
NetworkManager-vpnc build 4 5 months ago
libbonoboui build 4 5 months ago
rrdtool build 4 5 months ago
cawbird build 4 5 months ago
marker build 4 5 months ago
radiotray-ng build 4 5 months ago
caribou build 4 5 months ago
xmlcopyeditor build 4 5 months ago
boinc-client build 4 5 months ago
libffado build 4 5 months ago
guvcview build 4 5 months ago
gnumeric build 4 5 months ago
nordugrid-arc build 4 5 months ago
compiz build 4 5 months ago
brasero build 4 5 months ago
denemo build 4 5 months ago
vinagre build 4 5 months ago
public-inbox build 4 5 months ago
kf5-purpose build 4 5 months ago
pidgin build 4 5 months ago
syncevolution build 4 5 months ago
remmina build 4 5 months ago
darktable build 4 5 months ago
gimp build 4 5 months ago
libunwind build None 5 months ago
pavumeter build None 5 months ago
perl-Time-Tiny build None 5 months ago
notekit build None 5 months ago
perl-Crypt-U2F-Server build None 5 months ago
flowcanvas build None 5 months ago
liblouisutdml build None 5 months ago
R-waveslim build None 5 months ago
octave-odepkg build None 5 months ago
deepin-system-monitor build None 5 months ago
uucp build None 5 months ago
festival build None 5 months ago
atril build None 5 months ago
R-rappdirs build None 5 months ago
python-music21 build None 5 months ago
rocm-smi build None 5 months ago
deepin-file-manager build None 5 months ago
libcaca build None 5 months ago
gtk-doc build None 5 months ago
R-tkrplot build None 5 months ago
R-XML build None 5 months ago
R-jqr build None 5 months ago
python-cvxopt build None 5 months ago
R-curl build None 5 months ago
trademgen build None 5 months ago
eigen3 build None 5 months ago
gecode build None 5 months ago
simspark build None 5 months ago
bind build None 5 months ago
torque build None 5 months ago
giac build None 5 months ago
mathgl build None 5 months ago
python-mplcairo build None 5 months ago
openms build None 5 months ago
Singular build None 5 months ago
asymptote build None 5 months ago
Macaulay2 build None 5 months ago
player build None 5 months ago
uudeview build None 5 months ago
python-mpmath build None 5 months ago


This page shows packages in Fedora 40 which buildability was possibly affected by perl-HTML-Parser upgrade from 3.81-3.fc39 to 3.81-5.fc40.
Please keep in mind that there were many other dependency changes happening in parallel that could have caused any particular failure.