Affected packages

Packages affected by cups-libs upgrade from 1:2.4.7-11.fc39 to 1:2.4.7-13.fc39 (in Fedora 39)
Package Current state Build Distance Build time
wine-mono build 2 3 months ago
pygobject3 build 2 3 months ago
jackson-dataformats-binary build 3 2 months ago
jss build 3 2 months ago
deepin-network-utils build 3 2 months ago
jackson-dataformats-text build 3 2 months ago
krename build 3 2 months ago
openstack-java-sdk build 3 2 months ago
elementary-notifications build 3 2 months ago
gtkgreet build 3 2 months ago
lximage-qt build 3 2 months ago
pluma build 3 2 months ago
deepin-kwin build 3 2 months ago
kdevelop-pg-qt build 3 2 months ago
emacspeak build 3 2 months ago
psi-plus build 3 3 months ago
weston build 3 3 months ago
pvs-sbcl build 3 3 months ago
libzypp build 3 3 months ago
entangle build 3 3 months ago
sssd build 3 3 months ago
python-sphinx build 3 3 months ago
liferea build 3 3 months ago
gnome-builder build 3 3 months ago
wxGTK build 3 3 months ago
gcc build 3 3 months ago
ikona build 3 3 months ago
libshumate build 3 3 months ago
Mayavi build 4 2 months ago
swig build 4 2 months ago
rubygem-mini_magick build 4 2 months ago
kitty build 4 2 months ago
ocaml-cil build 4 2 months ago
php-pecl-imagick build 4 2 months ago
audacity build 4 2 months ago
mingw-libftdi build 4 2 months ago
icu build 4 3 months ago
opendbx build 4 3 months ago
python-pybids build 4 3 months ago
aws build 4 3 months ago
wdune build 4 3 months ago
snakemake build 4 3 months ago
octave-odepkg build 4 3 months ago
php-pragmarx-google2fa-qrcode build 4 3 months ago
openqa build 4 3 months ago
rubygem-image_processing build None 2 months ago
freefem++ build None 2 months ago
libcint build None 2 months ago
erlang-p1_pgsql build None 3 months ago
erlang-p1_mysql build None 3 months ago
erlang-lager build None 3 months ago
erlang-p1_oauth2 build None 3 months ago
erlang-p1_utils build None 3 months ago
erlang-proper build None 3 months ago
erlang-pkix build None 3 months ago
erlang-sext build None 3 months ago
erlang-mochiweb build None 3 months ago
erlang-webmachine build None 3 months ago
erlang-fast_xml build None 3 months ago


This page shows packages in Fedora 39 which buildability was possibly affected by cups-libs upgrade from 1:2.4.7-11.fc39 to 1:2.4.7-13.fc39.
Please keep in mind that there were many other dependency changes happening in parallel that could have caused any particular failure.